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For anyone who wants a good laugh... For anyone who wants a good laugh...

10-10-2015 , 07:07 AM
Been playing Poker 15 years, this probably was the funniest/worst play I've ever seen anyone make, and that's saying something.....

So playing down at the Hard Rock in Tampa tonight, 1-2 NL, Max buy in 300, say most people are around 250-500 in stack size, so pretty crazy table, feel like everyone just decided to take it easy on one hand as probably 90% of the pots were raised preflop, so we have 6 people just call the $2.00 (I think a $9.00 pot after everything) flop comes J, Q, 4, rainbow, everyone checks around, turn is a Ace, checks around, River is the king, first to act pushes all in for around $260.00, everyone just kinda laughs, thinking he's an idiot because all he did was make the rake ridiculous if someone else has the king. So, me and the other 4 guys in front fold, last to act kinda shaking his head like I can't believe he just cost us another 5.00 in rake with this ridiculous push, calls the all in for $260, first to act flips proudly flips over his 8,9 thinking he won it. The entire table just dies laughing. Kid wasn't even drunk or anything. Just hilarious. So, no matter how bad of a play you've ever made in your life, at least you didn't push all in for $260, on a 10,j,q,a board, when you were first to act, on a $9.00 pot with 5 people behind you. lol
10-10-2015 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by NHTPA
flop comes J, Q, 4, rainbow, turn is a Ace, River is the king, .... least you didn't push all in for $260, on a 10,j,q,a board,
So it was you?
10-10-2015 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by FreddyTheFish
So it was you?
Oh hell no. lol Was just saying, I'm sure at one point, we've all made a horrid play over the years, don't think anything could be as bad as that though....
