The hands where I seem to be losing the most money are when I have something like TPTK or 2 pair and I've raised pre-flop but get called by a small pocket pair and they hit their set as I equally connect with mine.
the other night... AQ

raise 4x BB... 2 callers.
Flop is 2



... 2 checks to me, I lead out with half pot bet. 1 caller.
turn is J

... check to me, I bet half the pot, he raises pot size (the pot was about $3.50 after my bet, so he bet somewhere between $3 - $3.50)
J5 didn't seem right... pocket Jacks without a preflop reraise? didn't seem likely
Seemed like he was trying to rep the flush (or had smaller made flush), so I reraised him
I was drawing dead to his pocket 2's. yuck.
I can usually get away from sets if there was no preflop raise, since in general, if I didn't feel the hand was worth a preflop raise, it's probably not worth my entire stack.
I know the small set is a sneaky and deadly weapon (I've used it often myself), but once I've raised preflop and hit a pretty big hand like that am I making a mistake in this spot or do I just reload and chalk it up to his good fortune to hit an 8-1 hand?
Do you worry about being exploited by the small set in this situation?