Yeah, don't really understand the turn bet there. I mean, the turn isn't a scare card for the caller if he thinks you have two overs and if he had a draw, he isn't going anywhere for 1/2 pot.
like others said, turn just doesnt change anything if he calls flop most likely going nowhere on turn.
Is your sample large on him? 33% fold to 3bet is low, but if the samples not large enough this doesnt help as much. Also consider his fold to 3bet from utg/sb is gunna be a different frequency.
Even if he does call you light pre, every hand that has you beat (77-QQ, maybe AA,KK if he slowpays, 10s that called you pre) is going nowhere. If he floated you with a worse hand (like aq queen of clubs, kq king of clubs) good chance he just tries to get to showdown. A lot of times I feel he will try to get flush draws in on the flop (qjcc, maybe even kxcc)
This is really odd. first of all in full ring i just call against utg raise with ak especially if the are very tight. You dont want to build a big pot. but as played i did the sme thing to over lpayed ak agianst utg raiser. I think the flop you should check call and check fold the turn. now this villain bet the river after you checked.
I am confused. Because unless he has pocket 10s or 9s he has no reason to bet this river If he bet small on the river for value with aa or kk id jam here. Id rep anything from 10 10, 9 9, 8 7 suited etc but since you 3 bet pre flop you can't rep those hands. Thats why i said calllign is actualy better here against his range of aa or kk. You keep the smaller and you can set him up for a big check raise bluff on the river. he just doen't have much in his range that connect with that board. He more has a over pair more then anything and sometimes hes bluffing with a q suited or something like that. But i like to tend to punish a deeper stack for tryign to go for thin value on the river and jamming over the top of a small bet where they have some fold equity and there around the 150 bb to 200 bb ratio. i think even ak against a utg raise in full ring is just a fold. I havent won much with it against utg raise actually im down with it i believe.
His range utg for calling a 3b will be very strong, so consider giving up on the flop. I'd only fire the turn if I picked up some equity, a club for example and be prepared to bet a lot of rivers. I don't like two barreling then folding the river on a card that widens your perceived 2barreling range but does little for your value range
I don't like double barrelling oop against a guy with those 'call 3bet' and 'call cbet' stats (not sure what sample size is).
You know he is most likely going to call your 3bet IP and float you on the flop. I would make my 3bet slightly smaller and either cbet flop, c/f turn or play a 'hit to continue' policy on the flop.
You could make this one of his free passes so that he believes future cbets and is more inclined to call your 3bets thinking you may play passively postflop.
I have toned down the way I play AK and I honestly think I have made it more profitable than when I used to push it hard.
someone playing 24/18 is probably somewhat decent, the 33%fold to 3bet does certainly not apply to this spot with these positions, but it´s likely he calls a bit wider than other people do (assuming the samplesize is okay). Besides that your own image has an effect on what he´s calling with preflop.
But let´s assume he views you as a "standard TAG" and see what his pre flop range looks like, I´d say it´s something like AQ,AJs,KQs,(given he might call a bit wider)QJs,(77)88-JJ(QQ), occasionally slowplayed AA (maybe like 1-2 combos). Given the blockers in your hand and on the flop this is a total of 38-50 combos, depending on if he fold 77 pre and if he´s 4B/calling QQ. So let´s say it´s about 45 combos.
So on the flop it really depends on your image and how villain views you. If he views as more on the tighter side etc, there´s a decent chance he folds AQ,AJs,KQs,77 which is about 21 combos. Even if he´s sometimes calling with AQ or so you make him fold 15-20 out 45 combos. So with the right image the flop cbet is definitely +EV. But the range he is continuing with is very unlikely to fold on the turn, so just c/f turn.
However if he perceives you as more laggy, there´s no way he folds A high on the flop. So you would need to double barrel to make him fold about the same range that folds the flop vs someone tighter. That means you´d need to double barrel to make him fold about 1/3-2/5 of his range, which is probably not that good. Besides that there´s a chance he´s just checking down AQ/AJ here, when you start by checking the flop.
So I think the decision about your postflop play should be made mainly based on your image in that spot.
As played jamming river is tricky. At first glance it looks good as we can potentially fold 12 combos of QQ/JJ to the 10 combos of 88-TT but if villain is good he will realize a 3bet preflop from this position is unlikely with 77-TT and QQ/JJ will make the call. Given this I check/fold
Don't expect to see flush draws often either given our position and our holding containing the Ac. KcQc/KcJc perhaps even then we may well have seen a raise by now or a fold on the turn and their not dead certs for a call preflop.
Can all be good. Impossible to tell tbh if we think we can 3bet PF for value I have a feeling we should bluffcatch (or barrel and fold out essentially a bunch 3 outers which doesn't seem hot)