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AA turn spot AA turn spot

09-25-2013 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by FullTiltMode
So What cards are we folding to on the river?
I don't know. Can you finish my sentence?
09-25-2013 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by dizzyphantom
The fact that he has a raising range here, should point to him having value hands in there as well, right?
Didn't you just say a few posts up that you find most regs incredibly unbalanced in this spot? Doesn't that contradict what you posted above? I find them unbalanced as in its almost always a bluff from a bad reg or a semi bluff from a good/decent reg where you seem to think its unbalanced towards value.
09-25-2013 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by TheFunBegins
Didn't you just say a few posts up that you find most regs incredibly unbalanced in this spot? Doesn't that contradict what you posted above? I find them unbalanced as in its almost always a bluff from a bad reg or a semi bluff from a good/decent reg where you seem to think its unbalanced towards value.
More pointing out that 'raising value range is horrible', implies raising anything is bad. But semantics I suppose!
I see your overall point, and I don't have a raising range here for the most part, but from looking at the responses in the thread, maybe I should..
09-25-2013 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by dizzyphantom
I tend to play incredibly exploitative in these spots, unless some recent dynamic/read suggest otherwise. Based on population reads, most players at these stakes (havent played much 200nl in the last few months, so might be a bit off) are just unbelievably unbalanced in this spot (raising a lot of value hands they shouldnt be raising based on their overall gameplan). Counter-intuitively, I am more likely to call here OOP as I think some (baddish regs) will raise Jx for a free showdown enough+our range looks stronger/his range is weaker and he will give up with hearts more often. Not sure this is sound startegy at all, however.
good post homie
