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99sb reraise, 4 bet by bb 99sb reraise, 4 bet by bb

01-10-2008 , 01:53 PM
Villain is 44/22/2.5 over 50 hands
BTN is 21/18/3 over 400 hands
Absolute Life Poker 0.50/1.00, hand converted by the iPoker Converter at Talking-Poker

saw flop | saw showdown

Button ($94.00)
SB Hero ($101.35)
BB BB ($49.15)
UTG ($126.50)

Preflop: Hero is in the SB with 9 9
1 fold, Button raises to 4.00, Hero raises to 14.00, BB moves all-in for 48.15, 1 fold, Hero calls 34.65.

01-10-2008 , 01:54 PM
01-10-2008 , 01:55 PM
ldo...pot odds
01-10-2008 , 02:05 PM
Even though his shove looks pretty strong as he 4bet vs 2opponents, his loose stats and his short stack and near 2 to 1 pot odds make it a call.
01-10-2008 , 02:07 PM
Fine. Don't really like the 3-bet PF though..
