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{98o} How would you play this turn/river? {98o} How would you play this turn/river?

08-10-2015 , 08:34 PM
No HUD stats or HHC compatibility.

I have 150bb in the SB with 98, I've been playing pretty loose-aggressive. It folds to button who raises to 2bb, and this player I've noticed isn't very good. He has a little over 100bb. Based on the way he's been playing and the way I've been playing, I decide it is a good idea to raise to 8.5bb here. BB folds and he calls.

Flop: Q87. I bet 12.5bb into a pot of 17.5bb, he calls.

Turn: 2. He has one of 3 things at this point. A hand that is currently way ahead of me (such as AQ), or he's on a draw, or there is a smaller chance he has some sort of 7. I'm not sure what to do here, fire another bullet (would have to be around 25bb or more!) or just check. I wasn't a big fan of firing again just because I'm so screwed if he has a queen. On the bright side if he has a draw I might get him off it... but then again I might not and be in an even worse situation on the river. I decide to check, and he bets about 25bb into the pot of 42.5bb. This isn't a huge surprise... if I check here the only thing I expect him to check back with is an 8 or a 7. I'm still unsure of what he has, but it's too easy for him to have a draw here and bet this, especially when I've shown weakness. I call.

River: 7. I check, he shoves the rest of his 52bb into the pot of 100bb. If he had a queen this makes little sense, as I could have a 7, and there's nothing I'm calling with that he beats. If he has a 7 I'd expect him to check back on the turn. Only strong hands he could have here is 88, 77, 87. Pretty easy deduction that he's probably bluffing a missed draw, so I call. I was right.

Looking back, I'm still trying to figure out the turn. The way I played it, if anything other than a 7, 8, or maybe 9 came up on the river and he shoved, it would be very hard to call. I'm starting to think it would have been better to fire the second bullet. At that point in time my range was huge, even up to AA. I would have gotten a lot of draws and bad pairs to fold. But if he does call with a draw, or simply a queen, I'm in like the worst spot possible on the river. I'd basically have to check-fold, giving up 50bb... Not to mention he could also shove on top of my turn bet... What do you think?

Last edited by gadzooks; 08-10-2015 at 08:49 PM.
08-10-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by gadzooks
No HUD stats or HHC compatibility.

I have 150bb in the SB with 98, I've been playing pretty loose-aggressive. It folds to button who raises to 2bb, and this player I've noticed isn't very good. He has a little over 100bb. Based on the way he's been playing and the way I've been playing, I decide it is a good idea to raise to 8.5bb here. BB folds and he calls.

Flop: Q87. I bet 12.5bb into a pot of 17.5bb, he calls.

Turn: 2. He has one of 3 things at this point. A hand that is currently way ahead of me (such as AQ), or he's on a draw, or there is a smaller chance he has some sort of 7. I'm not sure what to do here, fire another bullet (would have to be around 25bb or more!) or just check. I wasn't a big fan of firing again just because I'm so screwed if he has a queen. On the bright side if he has a draw I might get him off it... but then again I might not and be in an even worse situation on the river. I decide to check, and he bets about 25bb into the pot of 42.5bb. This isn't a huge surprise... if I check here the only thing I expect him to check back with is an 8 or a 7. I'm still unsure of what he has, but it's too easy for him to have a draw here and bet this, especially when I've shown weakness. I call.

River: 7. I check, he shoves the rest of his 52bb into the pot of 100bb. If he had a queen this makes little sense, as I could have a 7, and there's nothing I'm calling with that he beats. If he has a 7 I'd expect him to check back on the turn. Only strong hands he could have here is 88, 77, 87. Pretty easy deduction that he's probably bluffing a missed draw, so I call. I was right.

Looking back, I'm still trying to figure out the turn. The way I played it, if anything other than a 7, 8, or maybe 9 came up on the river and he shoved, it would be very hard to call. I'm starting to think it would have been better to fire the second bullet. At that point in time my range was huge, even up to AA. I would have gotten a lot of draws and bad pairs to fold. But if he does call with a draw, or simply a queen, I'm in like the worst spot possible on the river. I'd basically have to check-fold, giving up 50bb... Not to mention he could also shove on top of my turn bet... What do you think?
1.) I don't mean to come off as an A-hole but if money is important to you, drop down in stakes if you're playing 100NL+ , Your entire thinking is just all wrong. Like everything you said is just not seasoned.

2.) Fold pre.

3.) Fold pre.

4.) Fold pre.

5.) Fold pre.

6.) Fold pre.

Numbers 2 through 6 will prevent you from putting yourself in these extremely awkward situations.

As played, folding turn is acceptable and folding river if you get there next time is even more acceptable.
I'm sure someone else will put better thought into their responses than I.
08-10-2015 , 09:49 PM
I appreciate your concern, but you did kind of come off as what you supposedly didn't mean to come off as.

I've been significantly winning 400nl and 600nl for a while now, playing as loose as I can while still trying to be smart about it. Again I appreciate the concern, and your style might call for folding pre here, and I too will do that a good portion of the time, but I felt that the situation and player allowed me to make this 3bet.

I'm curious to know what about my thinking you find to be wrong postflop.
08-10-2015 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by gadzooks
I appreciate your concern, but you did kind of come off as what you supposedly didn't mean to come off as.

I've been significantly winning 400nl and 600nl for a while now, playing as loose as I can while still trying to be smart about it. Again I appreciate the concern, and your style might call for folding pre here, and I too will do that a good portion of the time, but I felt that the situation and player allowed me to make this 3bet.

I'm curious to know what about my thinking you find to be wrong postflop.
Winning significantly at those levels, a confessed LAG at that and yet you post in SSNL and don't know how to tread the waters in a 3 bet pot with mid pair.

You didn't mention villain could easily have 99-JJ on a flop call and you also mentioned you could 'get villain off a draw'. You didn't specify which draws you would 'push him off of'.

I have to call your bluff, sir. You are not a winning player at those limits.

No graphs, or winrates or number of hands played yet you say 'significantly winning' in high stakes poker with 60 posts.
08-10-2015 , 10:19 PM
That's fine, I don't need to prove anything to you, and I don't think whether that's the truth or not affects anything at all.

I came here to learn more and get thoughts about this hand, particularly post-flop (obviously). I didn't come here to be harassed by someone who I've responded respectfully to after he already made a douchy post.

I hope the 2+2 community has more to offer than this. You might begin to understand why I have so few posts on this site.
08-10-2015 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by gadzooks
That's fine, I don't need to prove anything to you, and I don't think whether that's the truth or not affects anything at all.

I came here to learn more and get thoughts about this hand, particularly post-flop (obviously). I didn't come here to be harassed by someone who I've responded respectfully to after he already made a douchy post.

I hope the 2+2 community has more to offer than this. You might begin to understand why I have so few posts on this site.
3BB/100 winner over 200,000 at 600NL playing the victim card in the SSNL forums.

08-10-2015 , 10:42 PM
Is there any particular reason why you want to have a discussion about how well I do? Any particular reason why you want to prove to the internet that I'm a liar and a bad player, even after I've been nothing but respectful towards you?

Sure, just for you, let's say I only play 0.05nl and am a break-even player at that limit.

Now if you don't mind, please stop posting, and let someone else actually try to help me answer my questions on this hand.

Also, with all due respect and for your own personal benefit, I strongly suggest you consider getting some sort of counseling.


Originally Posted by p0ker_n00b
You didn't mention villain could easily have 99-JJ on a flop call and you also mentioned you could 'get villain off a draw'. You didn't specify which draws you would 'push him off of'.
Back on topic, I did mention that one of the types of hands villian could have on the turn was "a hand that was currently way ahead of me". This includes AQ, 99-JJ, sets, even something like A8s or T8s. Most reasonable draws have similar equity in these spots so I didn't feel the need to specify, but if someone other than poker_noob thinks it's important to talk about particular types of draws I'm open to it

Last edited by gadzooks; 08-10-2015 at 10:50 PM.
08-10-2015 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by gadzooks
Is there any particular reason why you want to have a discussion about how well I do? Any particular reason why you want to prove to the internet that I'm a liar and a bad player, even after I've been nothing but respectful towards you?

Sure, just for you, let's say I only play 0.05nl and am a break-even player at that limit.

Now if you don't mind, please stop posting, and let someone else actually try to help me answer my questions on this hand.

Also, with all due respect and for your own personal benefit, I strongly suggest you consider getting some sort of counseling.


Back on topic, I did mention that one of the types of hands villian could have on the turn was "a hand that was currently way ahead of me". This includes AQ, 99-JJ, sets, even something like A8s or T8s. Most reasonable draws have similar equity in these spots so I didn't feel the need to specify, but if someone other than poker_noob thinks it's important to talk about particular types of draws I'm open to it
I'd offer you a shovel but it appears you already have a garage full of 'em.

That hole is pretty deep now.

Everyone else can come to their own conclusions about your comments. I'll just withdraw from this thread now. Good Luck.
08-11-2015 , 02:14 AM
OP requested this thread closed.
