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4bet flatted.... 200nl 4bet flatted.... 200nl

03-07-2010 , 07:17 AM
SB is 22/17/6%3bet and 15%!! in the SB

So I assume he is reasonably wide when he 3bets me here, although he might have to worry about the fish shoving (given the fishs awkward stack size). I'm not happy when he calls my 4bet and to me it looks stronger than if he just shoved. What now?

Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: $265.50
BB: $202.75
UTG: $88.90
MP: $343.75
CO: $302.05
Hero (BTN): $200.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero is BTN with A K
UTG calls $2, 2 folds, Hero raises to $9, SB raises to $25, 2 folds, Hero requests TIME, Hero raises to $52, SB calls $27

Flop: ($108.00) 3 9 4 (2 players)
SB checks, Hero requests TIME, Hero ? checks

Turn: ($108.00) 6 (2 players)
SB bets $45, Hero ?
03-07-2010 , 07:23 AM
if hes 3betting that much just flat his 3bet and outplay him postflop.. no need to narrow his wide 3bet range if you have position.. as played ck back and call down seems legit

cbet stack off is also fine imo
03-07-2010 , 08:19 AM
4bet seems pretty std to me?

and I don't know what kinda hands flat 4bets OOP but I think this isn't a flop he'll fold a lot on.. just give up I guess, played fine.
03-07-2010 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by mikev
4bet seems pretty std to me?

and I don't know what kinda hands flat 4bets OOP but I think this isn't a flop he'll fold a lot on.. just give up I guess, played fine.
I've seen quite a few AQs, AJs type hands flat 4 bets oop in my time.
03-07-2010 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by mikev
just give up I guess, played fine.
Are you folding to his turn bet?
03-07-2010 , 09:08 AM
In the very few instances I've seen someone flat a 4b 100bb deep, they've turned up w/JJ-QQ every time, so I think checking back flop and folding to his turn bet is the play here.
03-07-2010 , 09:22 AM
"if hes 3betting that much just flat his 3bet and outplay him postflop.. no need to narrow his wide 3bet range if you have position.. "

this is true to an extent, before you can determine if its more profitable than 4bet/getitin, you need some knowledge of what type of hands they 3bet (not just that they 3bet a lot of hands), whether or not they have a wide 5bet range; and some idea of their tendencies postflop in 3bet pots.
03-07-2010 , 09:29 AM
gaybet/call flop imo
03-07-2010 , 09:51 AM
Is the 4bet a little on the small side? I would go to at least 75$. Usually though I would flat the 3bet and almost never fold to a flop cbet.
03-07-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by xXDeuce7Xx
In the very few instances I've seen someone flat a 4b 100bb deep, they've turned up w/JJ-QQ every time, so I think checking back flop and folding to his turn bet is the play here.
+1. i've never understood why people do this with these hands, but some just do. i give up most of the time but bet/calling is obviously never too bad
03-07-2010 , 10:33 AM
if he is ******ed enough to call instead of pushing pre i am giving him the benefit of doubt here. to small 4bet, i 4bet shove if i know he is wide. anything around 70-90 against people with a clue, but thats just me.
03-07-2010 , 10:36 AM
and if he is wide, and dumb, he isn't betting a draw with 57s on that flop. or cbarreling smaller pockets if he is 22+ and hits set on turn. You established he is wide, jj+ isn't wide, that's standard defence for lag. connectors from the wrong place at the wrong time is what's wide imho.
03-07-2010 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by freakBYnature
if he is ******ed enough to call instead of pushing pre i am giving him the benefit of doubt here. to small 4bet, i 4bet shove if i know he is wide. anything around 70-90 against people with a clue, but thats just me.
gotta get him off J8o AMIRITE?
03-07-2010 , 11:00 AM
4betsizing is fine imo, shoving makes no sence to me since we dont give him the opportunity to 5bshove his air (which we dominate a lot).

if we hold like 66 here, a 4betshove is fine to let him fold his bluffhands against we are flipping.
03-07-2010 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Blufferkins
Is the 4bet a little on the small side? I would go to at least 75$. Usually though I would flat the 3bet and almost never fold to a flop cbet.
Sounds horrific.
03-07-2010 , 12:13 PM
if you make a small 4b like that which i like to induce shoves & then check this flop, you need to peel the turn imo.
03-07-2010 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by freakBYnature
if he is ******ed enough to call instead of pushing pre i am giving him the benefit of doubt here. to small 4bet, i 4bet shove if i know he is wide. anything around 70-90 against people with a clue, but thats just me.
Originally Posted by bubaloo
gotta get him off J8o AMIRITE?
He dont have J8o, thats for sure. 15% range is 77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+,QJo. Pretty decent in other words, just that he likes to defend it aggressive then the usual/standard smoothcall, which leads me to believe he is not a donkey, but a pretty solid player who got counterreads on OP, and simply wants to blow the pot up bigger in case OP has what he has and spews postflop with it. It's checkfold for me in this hand. I think villain landed a set on that flop with 99 and now wants to get value for it, checkraise attempt on the flop since OP 4bet. 4bet read on OP puts OP on solid hand, at the very least suited ace, AKs is frequent here, and since turn peeled nonsuited he will most likely think his set is done. Defends it with halfish kinda bet since he is oop, + if OP calls he has WORSE then a set... and will only lead back to that suited hand/overpair again.

Could be a bluff also, since the flop was checked behind. But somehow do not think so, I like giving the benefit of the doubt vs these guys, they are perhaps loose from oop, but they also get hands.

99 just my best read on this, but he could also have overpair he wants to defend now... but playing a set like this is pretty much standard for most, atleast from what I see. That's why I basically almost never check them from oop myself, since it will only lead to situations like this, where if I was villain... OP could be able to call for a river and suck it out cheaper then if he floated the flop.

Last edited by freakBYnature; 03-07-2010 at 03:06 PM.
03-07-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by freakBYnature
He dont have J8o, thats for sure.
becasue his 15% 4bet range is completely linear.... lol

...and nice range construction. "I think villain landed a set on that flop with 99 and now wants to get value for it"
03-07-2010 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by xXDeuce7Xx
In the very few instances I've seen someone flat a 4b 100bb deep, they've turned up w/JJ-QQ every time, so I think checking back flop and folding to his turn bet is the play here.
Its far more likely to be something ******ed like JT. I cbet flop, don't fold.
03-07-2010 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by MCHpow_pow
becasue his 15% 4bet range is completely linear.... lol

...and nice range construction. "I think villain landed a set on that flop with 99 and now wants to get value for it"
You completely disregarded everything else I wrote. I'll just answer that with completely disregarding the childish level attempt. Grow up.
03-07-2010 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Its far more likely to be something ******ed like JT. I cbet flop, don't fold.
Does this mean you give him absolutely no credit for raising SB ever when he 3betting SB 15%?
03-07-2010 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by freakBYnature
Does this mean you give him absolutely no credit for raising SB ever when he 3betting SB 15%?
This means I give him absolutely no credit for his 4b flatting range. If he's 3betting 15% and JJ here, he's not flatting a 4b.
03-07-2010 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by freakBYnature
You completely disregarded everything else I wrote. I'll just answer that with completely disregarding the childish level attempt. Grow up.
I read everything you wrote.

Im not trying to level... im just pointing out that your thought process is pretty subpar here in all of your posts...
03-07-2010 , 04:30 PM
03-07-2010 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
This means I give him absolutely no credit for his 4b flatting range. If he's 3betting 15% and JJ here, he's not flatting a 4b.
aah, of course, makes perfect sense, thank you. but 99 could still be a flat right? i mean, 4bet is solid enough from op, but if villain is maniac he'll understand what range op is 4betting here and wants to monkey the pot up "just in case" he lands a set. I've seen this a gazillion times in microstakes. Sure this isn't the micros, but same pattern. And yes, I am aware his range is much wider then this.
