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33 on A23 board with Villian overbetting the pot Live deep stacks vs Aggressive. 33 on A23 board with Villian overbetting the pot Live deep stacks vs Aggressive.

05-02-2008 , 03:14 PM
1/2NL Niagara Casino, Live... Land of donks...

Comments on every street is appreciated!

I have about $350 in MP, Villian has about $1100.
Nobody else at the table has more than $100.

Villain is pretty loose preflop and plays very well postflop.
He's won some huge pots with suited connectors and making some great calls as people tried to run him over with bluffs. He's as good a player as I've seen playing 1/2NL My table image is tight aggressive. I have been caught bluffing with 45o about an hour ago.

Table is a mix of loose passive and tight passive.

1 limper to me with 33 in MP. I limp, 2 limpers, Villain in SB completes, BB checks.

Flop is Ac2s3s.

I have middle set...

Villain bets $10, folded to me.. I raise to $30.. folded to villain who quickly flat calls....

Turn is a 8h... Villain bets $70 into a $60 pot ...

I tank...

And call...

River is an offsuit Td ....

Villain pushes all in quickly for another $250...

Some jerk who's not in the hand calls time on me....
05-02-2008 , 03:17 PM
Call and it's not close.
05-02-2008 , 03:18 PM
i think it's pretty close
05-02-2008 , 03:21 PM
raise all in on the turn, as played obviously call, why would you ever ever fold? He can basically only have one hand that beats you (45) and might 3 bet the flop with that. He'll never have a higher set but will often have two pair, folding would be atrocious.
05-02-2008 , 03:21 PM
I dance and then call.

Maybe throw in a fist pump, but thats marginal.
05-02-2008 , 03:25 PM
I should mention that my read on the turn is that he has 45...
It's unusual for him to overbet the pot...
My normal move would be to raise all in on the turn but ... my read is that I'm looking at ten outs.
I hate calling the $70 on the turn since it makes me think about commitment issues.
05-02-2008 , 03:28 PM
Pot on turn is 72 I think.
05-02-2008 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by derick
I should mention that my read on the turn is that he has 45...
It's unusual for him to overbet the pot...
My normal move would be to raise all in on the turn but ... my read is that I'm looking at ten outs.
I hate calling the $70 on the turn since it makes me think about commitment issues.
Your range is too tight and wrong. It's a call, all day.
05-02-2008 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by derick

Some jerk who's not in the hand calls time on me....
call dumbass.... lol ****.

Last edited by ikestoys; 05-02-2008 at 03:45 PM. Reason: meant to be a joke obv
05-02-2008 , 04:13 PM
shove on turn...if he has 45 then oh well.

call for sure on the river. he doesn't have AA and its unlikely he has 88 or tens so you basically have the second nuts. you gotta go broke with that hand if he has it even if you don't like it.
05-02-2008 , 04:34 PM
How can you not shove the turn?

How can you not snap call the river?
05-02-2008 , 09:27 PM
I figured there are 16 ways he can have 45 and 3 ways he can have 22.
He might have A2. It's possible for him to have 23, or A3 but I figured they are unlikely given the overbet of the pot. AA is pretty impossible.

I figured I was drawing to ten outs on the turn.
05-02-2008 , 09:41 PM
i really want to know what he had. I think this thread is over anyway.
05-02-2008 , 09:45 PM
1/2NL Niagara Casino, Live...
Land of donks...
Shove the turn and when you miss that call the river. Even if this was a cooler it's not that close.

Save the little SHIPPPPPPPPP dance for the nuts.
05-02-2008 , 10:53 PM
not close at all imo
05-02-2008 , 11:39 PM
Is today the day where people post hands where they are winning but don't feel like putting money in the middle?

After that douche calls time on you, take it down to the last second and call, then tell him to **** off.
05-05-2008 , 06:38 AM
We are playing in a donk table.
But the villain is as good a player as I've ever seen in a 1/2NL table.
My image is tight, although I've been caught bluffing once about an hour ago.

Results in white below.

Villain had 45o for the nuts.
