bb 25/3 .7 ag 121 hands, btn 23/22, over 540 hands, hes a bad shortstacker and usually dead $ unless he can win a flip
No-Limit Hold'em, $0.25 BB (4 handed) -
Poker Hand Converter from
saw flop
UTG ($29.93)
Button ($8.91)
Hero (SB) ($25.45)
BB ($24.85)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 9

, 10
1 fold,
Button bets $0.65, Hero calls $0.55, BB calls $0.40
Flop: ($1.95) 2

, 9

, 5
(3 players)
Hero checks, BB checks, Button checks
Turn: ($1.95) A
(3 players)
Hero bets $1.30, BB calls $1.30, Button calls $1.30
River: ($5.85) 3
(3 players)
Hero bets $0.25,
BB raises $3.42, Button calls $3.42,
Hero raises $13.91, BB calls $10.74,
1 fold
Total pot: $37.59
At the time I didn't realize bb was only .7 ag, so when I made my river bet it was to induce a raise, but I didn't realize he doesn't raise very often, so it seems like long run I lose value here when they both check behind. Also maybe he isn't raising light? or is it his betting range is prob strong with like 2 prs and sets, maybe a straight that hit with like A4s, but with a big c/r he isn't calling with less than a flush? I dunno, weird hand, like I said I didn't really look into his stats too much when I min bet.
also on another note, how do i get hem to convert hand for me instead of using a site? I have HEM1
sorry wrong thread, can mod plz move?
Last edited by johnstumper; 02-26-2012 at 04:36 PM.