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.25/.50 gross river .25/.50 gross river

11-28-2015 , 02:25 AM
From 2005 - 2009 I was a college student turned semi-pro (had a job) turned pro (quit job) turned games died/I lost interest. At the time was 6-8 tabling 1/2 and 2/4 and making (at that time) very good money. That was 6 years ago or so, and at higher stakes. I had poker tracker and hud. Now I have Bovada.

$.25/$.50 Bovada. 6-handed, Villain and I have 100BB stacks. Read is kind of fishy but nothing concrete. I have 4 4 in SB, folded to me, I make it $2 (4bb) and bb calls.

Flop ($4)
336 I bet $3, he calls.

Turn ($10)
5 I bet $7 and he calls.

River ($24)
A I check and he bets $12. I tank and fold. Had the session been going better I may have called.

Curious about turn/river. I assume pf/flop is standard. Turn I need to charge draws/fold floats/protect hand/have outs to straight and fh. When he calls I'm not thrilled but also don't know what he has. Semi-fishy so maybe has AX or 45. I'm firing many rivers (thoughts?) but figured A and even A6/A5/A4 are in his range here.

