How often does BB have a worse 8 here? If he has a VPIP of 42%, then hands like 84s, 85s, 86s, 87s, 87o, 8To, 8Ts, etc are probably going to be in his range. I call but I'm not very happy with it. There's also the tiny possibility BB was getting "tricky" with a big PP and decided to play it ******edly. I'm also not really worried about the CO in this hand. His extra money in the pot gives me more of an incentive to call. And if you are beaten, at least the money is going to the fish rather than a nit who won't lose it back to you.
definitely a nauseating spot, but I think you have to fold, at best I think you are looking at another 8. just given the line they both take, I just don't see you ahead of much. U probably have one of them beat, but definitely not the other. unlucky