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200nl - KJ line check 200nl - KJ line check

10-12-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by trial0r
just joking. you explained the spot almost exactly the way baluga whale does. compliment imo.
Thank you.
10-12-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by deaders
lol at being so adamant that preflop is a huge mistake
preflop mistakes are per se allways small. the problem is that small preflop mistakes bring you in marginal postflop spots where you can make big mistakes. thats why its so hard to play loose: because u get into a ton of marginal postflop spots.
10-12-2009 , 07:14 PM
why not raise the flop, fold to a 3bet or fold to a big turn bet after your raise.

otherwise if he checks the turn, check behind and see the board texture vs his range. Then you have a more educated feel on his cards and if u can compfortably make a river decision.
10-12-2009 , 08:29 PM
if the blinds are fishy players, preflop is good imho.

I don't get the call flop, fold turn comments...
He donks 4 way first in, i think he isn't bluffing a lot here so i'd just fold flop.
10-12-2009 , 08:54 PM
preflop is meh - we would seriously need reads on every player at the table before we could consider it a leak / +ev play. +1 on what Dagrunt said.

flop is a fold especially given his stats and how he's donking into an UTG initial raiser let alone 4 people... interesting spot though to turn your hand into a bluff. If you call flop I definately am folding turn.
