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200NL JJ facing triple barrel 200NL JJ facing triple barrel

11-10-2011 , 06:21 PM
Villain is a tag playing 26/20/2.4

His flop c-bet is 70% and turn frequency is 45% and river is 56%. My stats are tag myself.

Bodog - $2 NL (6 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

SB: $187.00
BB: $425.00
UTG: $200.00
Hero (CO): $197.00
BTN: $252.00

SB posts SB $1.00, BB posts BB $2.00

Pre Flop: ($3.00) Hero has J J

UTG raises to $6.00, Hero calls $6.00, fold, fold, fold

Flop: ($15.00, 2 players) 8 3 8
UTG bets $11.00, Hero calls $11.00

Turn: ($37.00, 2 players) Q
UTG bets $26.00, Hero calls $26.00

River: ($89.00, 2 players) 2
UTG bets $38.00, hero folds
11-10-2011 , 07:22 PM
Villain dependant.

I'd call and make a note
11-10-2011 , 08:45 PM
If you can show up here with better hands other than trips/boat then this is standard yeah.
Due to his betsizing I kinda like jamming the river though :-)
11-10-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Sirrybob
If you can show up here with better hands other than trips/boat then this is standard yeah.
Due to his betsizing I kinda like jamming the river though :-)
I thought about it.. his bet sizing seems like something that can't take a jam. But then i thought what if he was thinking his small bet size provoked a jam and he might be able to call light. (level?)
11-10-2011 , 11:17 PM
Why not 3b PF and RR flop?
11-10-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by AnimalWarrior
Why not 3b PF and RR flop?
Villains fold to 3-bet stat was insanely high something like 90%. Figured he wouldn't call worse if I 3-bet and I would be turning my hand into a bluff.
11-10-2011 , 11:49 PM
With JJ I would def want to 3b to weed out KQ, QJ, etc. Make him pay if he's trying to land a card above a J.

Also, I don't think I would have called the turn if I'm not going to call a blank river.
11-11-2011 , 12:38 AM
I would probably 3bet preflop. 5 handed we are going to be 3betting pretty often so this hand seems like a must. As played I am not sure if villain v-bets 99/TT here even though I think he should. I think as played you made the right play but I would have raised preflop and that would have made for a totally different hand.
11-11-2011 , 06:00 AM
Preflop depends a lot on our image and history. If villain never calls 3bets oop, and rarely 4bet bluffs in this spot, then 3betting would waste our hand. If we 3bet bluffed a lot in the past, 3betting becomes better.

Isn't this a flop, people love to 3barrell because you almost never hit!? JJ is the top of your range here. He might even try to value-bet TT on the river.
11-11-2011 , 08:00 AM
What % is villain opening from MP? 3-betting pre-flop is terrible advice since villain folds so often to 3-bets. I'd call this river and make a note (as he could have something like T9s, Axcc, Kxcc, or even be thinly value/block betting with 99-TT, etc.); if villain is super tight from MP it becomes more of a raise or fold spot.

You are usually going to be beat when you call, but obv you only have to win like 20% or something to be good.
11-11-2011 , 09:10 AM
Flatting here is fine. 3bet is only OK with history/dynamic or if opponent calls really light. It's not like villain should flick it in with TT here without history.

As played, I think you can call because his betsizing still accomplishes a cheap bluff to get you off A3, AcXc, 44-77 so just because it's small doesnt mean he's necessarily value betting.

Shoving is OK, though if he's good he can definitely bet/call Qx there since you're pretty much just repping 8x and 33, and you shouldn't have too many 8x combos, esp if he has an Ace or 7x/9x.
11-11-2011 , 10:52 AM
I actually posted my response before I read any posts. 90% fold to 3bet is HUGE. Flats good then, I still like the fold on river though. He would have to be betting 99-TT on the river for our call to be +EV imo. With a range of 99-AA, AcKc, AQo, AQs, AcJc its a call and if you take out 99-TT its a fold. Whether he bets it or not I think its marginal at best so call is barely better than fold if at all. I would fold with information we have though.
11-11-2011 , 11:07 AM
close call imo
11-11-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by daveh07
Villains fold to 3-bet stat was insanely high something like 90%. Figured he wouldn't call worse if I 3-bet and I would be turning my hand into a bluff.
11-11-2011 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by daveh07
Villains fold to 3-bet stat was insanely high something like 90%. Figured he wouldn't call worse if I 3-bet and I would be turning my hand into a bluff.
Trapping with jacks, eh.
11-11-2011 , 02:35 PM
Bluffcatching starting from pre.
11-11-2011 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by AnimalWarrior
With JJ I would def want to 3b to weed out KQ, QJ, etc. Make him pay if he's trying to land a card above a J.

Also, I don't think I would have called the turn if I'm not going to call a blank river.
you aren't a tournament player by chance are you
11-11-2011 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by jackwilcox
Eh? His post seemed perfectly reasonable. If he doesn't feel he can 3b it for value its obviously a great flat, and if he can't flat this either then there isn't a single hand he is flatting in the co versus an mp open except like AQs or something...
11-11-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by drsmooth
if he can't flat this either then there isn't a single hand he is flatting in the co versus an mp open except like AQs or something...
i don't understand why this is a concern.
11-11-2011 , 09:02 PM
I don't get where you're coming from either. Perhaps we are misunderstanding each other

JJ is obviously a +ev flat here. So why 3bet it if it isn't clearly for value when there a dozens of better hands to use as a 3b bluff?
11-11-2011 , 09:11 PM
yes but if villains fold to 3bet is ridiculously high u make more money 3betting than flatting ainec. your cards dont matter.
11-11-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by drsmooth
I don't get where you're coming from either. Perhaps we are misunderstanding each other

JJ is obviously a +ev flat here. So why 3bet it if it isn't clearly for value when there a dozens of better hands to use as a 3b bluff?
I stand corrected, after talking to my coach he agreed that flatting is +EV and explained to me. That's why I'm here, I am no poker pro and I don't claim to know everything, but I'll question things in order to challenge my way of thought.
11-11-2011 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by jackwilcox
yes but if villains fold to 3bet is ridiculously high u make more money 3betting than flatting ainec. your cards dont matter.
the 3-bet opportunity was there for the +EV move but why not waste 3-bet chance on a worse hand that i wouldn't normally call such as A5s. 3-betting tarnishes my image every time I do it and 3-betting JJ here because it is the most +EV move at the time doesn't mean it is the line I should take. You have to factor in future image and the fact after I do this I can't do it with a crap hand next time because he is more likely to play back at me.
11-11-2011 , 10:17 PM
whilst that is true, if he has a super high fold to 3bet by nature, then he probably isnt the type who will be adjusting very well
11-11-2011 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by jackwilcox
whilst that is true, if he has a super high fold to 3bet by nature, then he probably isnt the type who will be adjusting very well
do you use the word whilst in real life... i doubt it so why use it online? To sound philosophical? haha but yah I understand your reasoning behind it but from what I can gather is most regs at these stakes will make adjustments pretty quick to 3-bets if you are doing it enough.
