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200NL Ignition Zone 200NL Ignition Zone

03-07-2017 , 05:09 PM
I don't know how to save HHs from Ignition so I'm basing this off memory.

Eff stacks are $200

Preflop: CO limps, Hero raises $8 OTB with QhTc, blinds fold.

Flop: QcTh9s
CO donks $6, Hero raises to $30, CO calls.

Turn: Jh

River: 9h, CO leads $30, Hero?

Seeing as how villain donked small on this flop I think its safe to assume hes your standard ignition fish. Is it ever a good idea to jam to get a fish to fold a king here or do I save that play for other regs? Is it even a good idea to try to bluff other ignition regs off a king in the first place?
03-07-2017 , 05:27 PM
This is probably one of the combos we would want to be jamming as a bluff, BUT versus the general limp/calling population on Ignition I don't like it. They have a lot of Kx combos and even 8x combos that simply won't fold like K4s, K8o, 87o, etc. and I doubt they are folding these to a jam.
03-08-2017 , 06:55 AM
Let me give you one tip for Ignition, and poker in general.

DONT BLUFF FISH. Especially passive ones. The ones that limp/call, etc.

Value bet them to death, and don't pay off when they start going nuts on terrible board runouts.

AP, just fold.
03-09-2017 , 01:55 AM
Bluffing a fish on Ignition off of an obvious value hand
