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200NL - Facing flop shove 200NL - Facing flop shove

10-31-2015 , 06:06 PM
This hand was played at my local casino

Villain looked like a tight(ish) fish (not big sample size, around 50 hands on that info tho)

Villain opens to $12 (its his first time raising that much preflop, he normally raises to $7) with $143 behind (I have him covered) in mid position, it folds to me, I 3bet to $40 with KK on the button, he calls

AA3 He donk shoves for $115

I then ask will you show if I fold, he says yes. (He is not a reg so he was most likely not trying to level me but you never know)

Hero: call or fold?

Last edited by Serenity17; 10-31-2015 at 06:13 PM.
10-31-2015 , 06:17 PM
with no FD out i guess its a fold. I image he probably hit and A and didn't know what to do and just shoved. I wouldn't blame you for calling in the moment but i think this is a fold
10-31-2015 , 06:33 PM
I can't find a fold here. With my luck I call and see the bad news but I think a lot of the time you see mid pairs through JJ that people aren't comfortable playing post flop when over cards come.
10-31-2015 , 08:58 PM
He has aces, and clearly doesn't know how to play them properly. If he had JJ or QQ he wouldn't have bet out so much, knowing you 3bet it preflop. Tough, yet a good fold.
10-31-2015 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by DrNueron
He has aces, and clearly doesn't know how to play them properly. If he had JJ or QQ he wouldn't have bet out so much, knowing you 3bet it preflop. Tough, yet a good fold.
You not only think he has one ace, but pocket aces, flopped quads, and donk shoves the flop?
10-31-2015 , 11:20 PM
A smaller 3bet would have opened your range in his mind. He could have easily called with AA/AK/AQ, depending on how loose.

He hit an Ace, because his call limited his range in my mind, to roughly the same cards, with some additional hands that would not likely prompt the shove.

You say he's a fish, but also tight. Would this tight player shove like that? Or is this the fish ignorant to how to get value off the hand?
11-01-2015 , 12:14 AM
I play a fair bit live and these shoves don't usually mean top pair. Sometimes they jam hands like 77-QQ here so it saves them calling all in if you bet, plus it can get you to fold pairs like 1010-KK if you put them on an ace. I'd be saying "f*** my life" and calling cos your either WAOWB, but against fish in this spot I don't think it's a fold.
11-01-2015 , 12:24 AM
you aren't taking in account that he's a tight player.
11-01-2015 , 12:29 AM
Yeah true, he's so much more likely to check jam with an ace though.
11-01-2015 , 08:52 AM
Not calling. Live players are much more likely to call any Ax preflop and sure some live players will spaz here some of the time with underpairs, but almost all live players will have a lot of Ax here most of the time. Folding and feeling fine about. Probably even mutter that's what I get for bluffing before I muck.
11-01-2015 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Milomilo91
Yeah true, he's so much more likely to check jam with an ace though.
yeah, that's definitely a tight player move. I guess it all depends on your reading of him. If he's a tight player that likes to slow play anything then calling wouldn't be the worst. But chances are that he has the nuts.
