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200NL AA RRAI river spot 200NL AA RRAI river spot

12-07-2008 , 10:38 PM
Hero: 20/17/3.5
Villian: 30/19/3. raise cb 13

villian is a super tricky player. dont have notes on his reraises flop but remember some crai with 2º and 3ºpair.

im kinda lost in this kind of spots with such a player. should 3bet flop? decided to call to get value on later streets if ahead/pot control if behind with no draws

turn gets away some sets combinations. should I lead?

and river bricks and decide to vbet, then get rrai ed, reads here?¿

commments welcome on every street, seems like i misplayed the entire hand. leaks everywhere.

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $2(BB) Prima Game#2303683642

SB ($331)
BB ($217)
Hero ($373)
UTG+1 ($437)
CO ($200)
BTN ($193)

Dealt to Hero AA

Hero raises to $8, fold, call, fold, fold,

FLOP ($19) 2J7

Hero bets $14, BTN raises to $28, Hero calls $14,

TURN ($75) 2J77

check, check,

RIVER ($75) 2J773

Hero bets $44, BTN raises to $157, Hero ???
12-07-2008 , 11:17 PM
3bet flop try to get money in on the flop...if he flats shove turn.
12-08-2008 , 04:06 AM
^^ +1.

As played, river: I am really tempted to call here. Basically you are losing to only weirdly played 7x/JJ or magical 33.
12-08-2008 , 04:32 AM
22/77 is like all your losing to here imo. I like a 3bet on the flop. Or call/donk turn is kind of interesting. As played id probably call rier.
12-08-2008 , 11:07 AM
I like the flop call, but I think i am betting out on the turn.

As played, if you cbet a lot of flops, I call the river. Your hand looks like AK making a stab at taking down the pot, and when villian checked back turn, I am going to include more AJ, KJ, QJ type hands in his range.
12-08-2008 , 11:29 AM
I'd 3bet flop, if he has 2nd or 3rd pair or air we probably aren't getting any more value out of it and if he has a jack I doubt he's folding it.
