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2-5 livecash nl set of 7s oop in lose asian drooler homegame 2-5 livecash nl set of 7s oop in lose asian drooler homegame

10-18-2009 , 02:17 AM
im posting this here because the effective stack was rather short and the game plays very soft/not worthy of msnl even though the game is big enough

anyway, on to the action

like 3 limps in a 10handed table around to random donk on the btn who makes it 25 to go, i flat 77 in the bb with like 500 behind, huge asian drooler who limped utg calls, rest fold

flop j87 two spades
i check utg checks btn bets 25, i raise to 75(too small?) utg calls btn folds

turn 6h
hero shoves? i think villain(utg drooler) has like 250 left

ive played a ton with utg and his vpip is well over 90% and he never bets draws on the flop, only calls so im certain he has either a draw of some kind or a made straight already since he slowplays sometimes, but he leads out most of his made hands so i was like 90% certain he had some sort of draw

comments? anywhere appreciated
10-18-2009 , 04:01 AM
Raise more on the flop, shove on the turn is good.
10-18-2009 , 04:16 AM
wow.. ur flop raise sucks big time given the drawheavyness imo.. pot is like 90, he bets 25 and u raise to 75....
10-18-2009 , 05:37 AM
120 on flop
shove turn
10-18-2009 , 01:46 PM
yeah i suck live lol ty for responses thats what i was new to live poker and its tough bc theres no ''total pot'' thing
