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100nl river shove 100nl river shove

01-21-2013 , 04:22 PM
Villain is a 26/22/5.0 in 274
Seems like the standard reg.
I havent seen him get out of line.

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (6 handed) - Full Tilt Converter Tool from

saw flop

Hero (MP) ($100)
CO ($131.80)
Button ($95.50)
SB ($106.30)
Villain (BB) ($114.05)
UTG ($101.40)

Preflop: Hero is MP with A, 10
UTG calls $1, Hero bets $3, 1 fold, Button calls $3, 1 fold, Villain calls $2, UTG calls $2

Flop: ($12.50) A, 8, 2 (4 players)
Villain checks, UTG checks, Hero bets $7, Button calls $7, Villain calls $7, 1 fold

Turn: ($33.50) 3 (3 players)
Villain checks, Hero bets $23, 1 fold, Villain calls $23

River: ($79.50) 4 (2 players)
Villain bets $79.50, Hero ?

easy fold?
I was betting to get value from the flush draw. I presume he raises any set there (flop or turn) with a set.
Is this river shove Ax that made two pair or a hidden set?
Can this be a Whiff flush draw?

Any advice is appreciated.(new to the stakes!)
01-21-2013 , 04:27 PM
I think it looks good if you folded. I dont think regs are donk jamming missed FDs like ever and we beat no worse hands for value
01-21-2013 , 04:56 PM
I c/f turn; dont mind checking flop either
01-21-2013 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by alexuuus
I c/f turn; dont mind checking flop either
Turn bet is fine considering there's a fish still in. Also, bb should be squeezing AJ-AQ pre and should be c/raising flop with sets/two pairs so we're going to have the best hand quite often.
01-21-2013 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Izanagi
Turn bet is fine considering there's a fish still in. Also, bb should be squeezing AJ-AQ pre and should be c/raising flop with sets/two pairs so we're going to have the best hand quite often.
I mean, you could be right; wouldn´t make all those assumptions though.

i think, button is going to call (I mean not raising anything) his whole range here OTF and we are probably behind it, even when its reaaally wide, like:

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 42.022% 39.25% 02.78% 20204 1429.00 { AsTc }
Hand 1: 57.978% 55.20% 02.78% 28418 1429.00 { 88, 22, AQs-A2s, KdQd, KdJd, KdTd, QdJd, QdTd, Qd9d, Qs9s, JdTd, Jd9d, Td9d, Td8d, 9d8d, 8d7d, AQo-AJo }
Then adding the real vill into account, we are sooo behind their ranges and i kinda disagree, that vill is going to c/r 2p / set everytime on the flop

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 13.160% 11.28% 01.88% 126139 20975.17 { AsTc }
Hand 1: 36.064% 33.47% 02.60% 374147 29020.17 { 88, 22, AQs-A2s, KdQd, KdJd, KdTd, QdJd, QdTd, Qd9d, Qs9s, JdTd, Jd9d, Td9d, Td8d, 9d8d, 8d7d, AQo-AJo }
Hand 2: 50.776% 48.09% 02.68% 537653 29979.67 { 88, 22, AQs-ATs, KdQd, KdJd, KdTd, QdJd, QdTd, JdTd, Jd9d, Td9d, 9d8d, AQo-AJo }

We bet into 3 ppl on a pretty dry board, so I doubt btn is floating ever and bb (vill) cant call all the AXs ones or so; think, all the ranges are pretty strong and ATo doesnt do great against them; therefore i thought about checking flop to keep ranges wide and see how ppl will react
01-21-2013 , 06:38 PM
Looks like he's turning something into a bluff, to be honest.

He can't have As2s and 5x seems about as rare. A flush is basically impossible and a five would be heavily discounted. Weird.
01-21-2013 , 06:46 PM
I think you're ahead til the R, the button could easily have a 56s, 54s as he will be in position with lots of ppl in, if he has diamonds it makes perfect sense
01-21-2013 , 07:14 PM
I guess I can't definitively categorize him as a fish since he could just be a short stacking reg.

Yea I change my mind, I would like a turn check.
01-21-2013 , 08:22 PM
It is interesting to note that if he isn't value betting a five like this or just doesn't have a five in his range to get to this spot that this hand is (AX) is essentially the top of your range.

If he value bets a wide range like this or will not turn hands into a bluff in this spot, then fold.
01-21-2013 , 11:32 PM
He can't have Ax of spades as, well, you have the spade. This bet just seems too weird to me, without being in the situation its difficult to tell, but I would probably call it, I think he turns over busted flush draws all the time there. It's hard to see him doing this for value very often.
