Villain in the hand is playing 52/17 over 100 hands. Played a hand vs him where he flatted a set on A7xtt, and shoved over my turn barrel. Also, he doesnt seem very spazzy.
UTG is a reg playing 18/14 with 62% fold to 3bet.
Merge $100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official
2+2 Hand Converter
Powered By
BB: $70.98
UTG: $187.00
CO: $93.04
Hero (BTN): $287.21
SB: $140.07
Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with Q

UTG raises to $3,
1 fold, Hero calls $3, SB calls $2.50,
1 fold
Flop: ($10.00) 3


(3 players)
SB checks, UTG checks,
Hero bets $7.00,
SB raises to $31, UTG folds,
Hero raises to $284.21
I flatted pre to keep the fish, I have position and 3betting the UTG open looks too strong for me to profitably stack off vs a 4bet vs this guy.
I shove flop here because the fish could easily be stacking like 88-JJ here and I dont want any scare cards coming off on the turn. Thoughts?