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100nl - Pre-flop w/TT 100nl - Pre-flop w/TT

02-07-2009 , 12:02 PM
Opener is pretty tight so far. BTN has been 3-betting, mostly squeezing, quite allot (like maybe 3 out of 4 times so far). He squeezed versus an UTG raiser and shoved over his 4-bet, UTG folded. BB is donk of course.

Should I be 3-betting here to stop the BTN 3-betting? Or should I just be glad to 4-bet and get it allin cos he's a lean mean squeezing machine?

I kind of prefer flatting AK/QQ+ here because of the BTN. Not sure if I should 3-bet stuff like TT/99/AQ/AJ/KQ versus MP to avoid the pinch.

I will add that I don't think the BTN is adjusting to the fact that the BB is a donk and will call his squeeze pretty light.

UTG: $135.75
MP: $101.50
Hero (CO): $100.00
BTN: $262.75
SB: $107.65
BB: $13.40

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is CO with T T
1 fold, MP raises to $3, Hero calls $3, BTN raises to $13, 1 fold, BB calls $12, 1 fold, Hero ?

Last edited by VillainUnknown; 02-07-2009 at 12:12 PM.
02-07-2009 , 12:37 PM
if BB folded I don't mind 4betting, but I'd just pitch it here since you said it yourself he's pretty tight.

and I don't like 3betting TT in this spot against this guy - flatting is almost always better. Having the squeezer just makes it better to flat really
02-07-2009 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by n4rf
if BB folded I don't mind 4betting, but I'd just pitch it here since you said it yourself he's pretty tight.

and I don't like 3betting TT in this spot against this guy - flatting is almost always better. Having the squeezer just makes it better to flat really
Doesn't BBs flat make it more of a 4-bet with the dead money in the middle? MP, who was pretty tight, folded.

Since TT fares pretty well against AQ+/JJ+ I don't mind getting it in pre-flop v the BTN. What about a hand like AJ/KQ though?
02-07-2009 , 12:55 PM
oh I can't read, thought MP flatted.

I like the 4bet
02-07-2009 , 01:01 PM
yea i think if thats the read you have on BTN 4 bet get it in here, will suck if BB shows up with a monster though (has he been cold calling like this lots?)
02-07-2009 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by VillainUnknown
UTG: $135.75
MP: $101.50
Hero (CO): $100.00
BTN: $262.75
SB: $107.65
BB: $13.40
I wouldn't worry about that too much
02-07-2009 , 01:09 PM
given all details i prefer flatcall/get it in.
AJ/KQ is hands i dont like to play vs tight utg raisers.
