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100NL: JJ in rr pot vs reg 100NL: JJ in rr pot vs reg

07-20-2008 , 07:34 PM
Villain is house_advntg on Stars (aside, is there a better converter to use w HEM than the built in DC one?), I have him running at 22/19- he seems good, no real history. Haven't 3bet or been involved w him prior in this session, altho I'm sure he expects I will 3bet him lite some blah blah.

The river kinda sucks because I'm basically at the top of my range for checking turn/river, but at the same time I don't really expect him to turn 99/88 into a bluff on the river or float that flop w a gutter or something.

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UTG: $103.90
MP: $160.25
CO: $99.50
BTN: $93.10
SB: $60.50
Hero (BB): $177.55

Pre Flop: Hero is BB with J J
2 folds, CO raises to $4, 2 folds, Hero raises to $14, CO calls $10

Flop: ($28.50) Q T T (2 players)
Hero bets $20.00, CO calls $20

Turn: ($68.50) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, CO checks

River: ($68.50) 3 (2 players)
Hero checks, CO bets $52.00, Hero folds
07-20-2008 , 07:37 PM
You don't think he takes this line with KJ?
07-20-2008 , 07:40 PM
Looks good to me. Yeah, it's pretty unlikely he'd do this with a mid pp considering the showdown value it has. I'd say the only hand he's doing this with that you beat is AK and everything else in his range beats you.
07-20-2008 , 07:45 PM
Snapcall imo. Theres like 1 hand beating you. On the other hand there are very few hands he turns into bluffs here but meh.
07-20-2008 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by MPHL
You don't think he takes this line with KJ?
maaaybe, I think it's more likely he shoves flop w KJ/J9- that's not readbased or anything but just what I expect to see from most regs flopping any decent draw in a 3b pot where they expect to have nonzero FE.
07-20-2008 , 10:46 PM
I like your fold vs him here. and fwiw i havd him at like 14/12 (maybe a little higher) over 1500 hands or so.

edit: i think he's actually 16/14

Last edited by BenJay; 07-20-2008 at 10:47 PM. Reason: at work, no PT
07-20-2008 , 11:32 PM
It's quite unlikely that he had a reasonable draw on the flop because you hold two Js and he would presumably 4-bet AK pre-flop most of the time here. So, yeah, he'd have to be capable of floating with complete air and fake pot-control checking the turn for you to be really comfortable calling here.

I think it's kind of close. I can't really remember very much about house_adv but given dynamics I think your fold is probably ok/good here.

Last edited by members_only; 07-20-2008 at 11:38 PM.
07-20-2008 , 11:37 PM
I think this is a fold. I just dont see much hands we beat here except floats. I think he is more likely to push draws on the flop than calling with them. Also we have JJ wich takes away alot of combos of KJ and J9.

Also many people that floats will bet the turn and not wait for the river.
07-21-2008 , 02:15 AM
The turn check really confuses me. Fold, He's Valuebetting KK or better. But KK or AA is very unlikely. Its KK,AA,or trips or better. I think more often then not he has a T here and checked the turn hoping to stack our AA on the river. Its a perfect hand for him if he has JT. He puts you on AK and then checking the turn hoping to fill up on the river while you make broadway.
07-21-2008 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by SilvioDante
Also many people that floats will bet the turn and not wait for the river.
^^ true

looks good

i think villain shows a lot of Qx, Tx hands and again will be shoving his J9, KJ hands if he is any good on the flop. because you are likely to be holding more AK hands with your line to the river, i agree that i don't see villain turning 88,99 pp hands into a bluff since they have so much showdown value.
07-21-2008 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by redshift83
The turn check really confuses me. But I snap this.
please explain why this is a "snap call"?
07-21-2008 , 02:22 AM
I fold this. Also iirc villain is like 15/13 and plays a ****ton of tables and I'm pretty sure he has Qx here like all the time.
07-21-2008 , 05:49 AM
this is AQ QQ, 10s or AK imo. i have villan at 14/12 and i don't think he calls 3bet with KJ or J10, unless you have crazy image. good fold.
07-21-2008 , 06:17 AM
fine. he will bet his bluffs on the turn and check with SD hands
07-21-2008 , 07:17 AM
I really dont see how this is such a standard fold, for several reasons. Nits might be nitty preflop, but they´re not nitty postflop. Second, your line looks incredibly weak, meaning your hand is totally underrepresented. Since I would expect him to 4bet AA/KK, I really see only one hand (out of the unlikely TT) that is beating you and fits his line - and that hand is QQ. I really think that he had AK here. People love to peel AK inpo in 3 bet pots when they have a gutshot and two overs, and, while I´m not faulting you for your line (I would have done the same), I really thinks that what he has here. Would a nit really vb the river so big with Queens full or the unlikely AA/KK given that there is trips on board? I think not. Its not a fistpump call, but I think its a call.
07-21-2008 , 08:25 AM
Someone who floats the flop is NEVER betting the turn because he gets folds on the river and gets c/r AI on the turn.

The problem with the river is his bet sizing, he's betting way too much for a float and it looks like he wants to get paid off with a monster unless he's the best leveler in the world and knows that you know that he bets too much to make it look like he wants a call but instead is bluffing.

I don't know if there is a difference if that was HU instead of 6 max but in HU it's a call most of the time because he SHOULD bet the turn with Qx Tx unless he flopped quads and wants you to improve.
07-21-2008 , 08:55 AM
I think I play this similar to you. The thing is for him to bet a busted draw he must have either picked up a FD on the turn OR called a 3-bet w J9 or KJ. I wouldn't consider J9 or KJ to be a huge part of his range as I'd expect him to fold those very often preflop, but perhaps that's not a correct assumption.

I've played with him a bit but can't really remember him other than he seemed like a decent player, but I do not agree with him not floating AJs or AK here as gutshots + possible overcards. Wether he will bluff them on the river or not is really depending on if he think/knows you are a decent player. I think if he sees you as a good player he could very well bluff them here cause it's not a great river card to bluff at and if he thinks you are decent he will probably expect you to know that.

That said I think it's really close here. I'd call/fold depending on game flow but I'll be folding more often than calling in this spot against a good regular I think.
07-21-2008 , 11:46 AM
With his stats he's almost always 4-betting AK, amirite? And with KJ he would be shoving the flop a lot. I could see him turning AJ into a bluff on the river to get you off AK or underpairs. But he has Qx much more often, which makes this a fold I think.

I would check/call this flop, since you can't really expect to get called by worse.
07-21-2008 , 11:51 AM
btw fwiw don't think villain is ever leveling here by betting big on the river against us
07-21-2008 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by insyder19
Someone who floats the flop is NEVER betting the turn because he gets folds on the river and gets c/r AI on the turn.

The problem with the river is his bet sizing, he's betting way too much for a float and it looks like he wants to get paid off with a monster unless he's the best leveler in the world and knows that you know that he bets too much to make it look like he wants a call but instead is bluffing.
I think it's a little silly to say he would NEVER bet the turn after a flop float. That's a fairly read-based thing, as is his river betsizing. It's all a little elaborate to expect villain to float me (by which I mean a pure float w like 8 hi no draw, AK/AJ gutter hands that could be best on the flop are reasonable to expect him to call) in a 3b pot w/o history which is why I think it's a fold, altho I don't think it would ever be too bad to call as there are some quite reasonable hands for him to have here (AK/AJ/etc) that I beat which will bet the river.
07-21-2008 , 01:36 PM
Overall, hands like this cannot be discussed based on numbers. It's all about game flow and timing tells/reads.

If we assume he is a decent reg, he never has AK here because he 4bet's it preflop. He also never has AJ here because it would be terrible. Any draw like JK/J9 that he felt like he would play against you because he thought you 3bet too much or so would shove the flop.

So the only real hand he has is complete carbage or 99-77 and he knows you have JJ and wants you to fold it although it wouldn't make too much sense because that's THE ONLY hand he can make you fold which beats him.
08-01-2008 , 11:19 PM
OP what is you stars name?

:never mind i figured it out - GLD :]

Last edited by house_advntg; 08-01-2008 at 11:32 PM. Reason: had to do some searching.
