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100NL: JJ flops set in 3-bet pot. How do I maximize value? 100NL: JJ flops set in 3-bet pot. How do I maximize value?

04-14-2008 , 11:38 AM
its semi tough to screw up this hand IMO, if he has QQ+ hes going broke, its more just how you get money out of bluffs/TT/AK stuff
04-14-2008 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Bonk
I'm with burcak. Especially because he 3-bet button and the history. I'd probably wait with the aggression for the turn, even on this board.
im for this
04-15-2008 , 03:01 AM
I think you ought to consider from what positions he 3 bet you before. I know that my opponents and myself especially, would be considerbaly more inclined to 3 bet light when the c/o or button raises.
Your raising from middle position. Shouldn't he consider your range to be more tight from there?
Also, you didn't include how loose and donkish you weren't playing.
If you feel although your image dictates him to rr your MP open light, than I would say donk lead 1/3ish or check and call since his 3b may indeed have been light, and you should let him rep.
Alternately, if you feel you've been tight enough as to where this is an overpair, than it really doesn't matter how you play it so long as you get em in on the flop becasue you don't want clubs or whatevs on the turn.

If your playing too many tables to consider how to get them irene, I believe the donk lead or good lead are best since c/r c/c smells like crap and shutdowns are often in order
04-15-2008 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by coldi
Are you kidding me?
I'm basing this off the fact i think op has a horrible tight image at this table, see my first post in this thread or reread the op. OP i think your assumption that he has qq+ is wrong. Just because he 3bet you twice already, doesn't mean he's not doing it light again on the button, especially since you folded to both of them and have yet to show any strenght against this guy, he can figure he'll be able to bet you off any flop you miss --> this is the basic way to think against a nitty player, which is the image i'm guessing you have. Putting him on QQ+ here is a mistake.
04-15-2008 , 01:32 PM
Minraise or check shove are both valid options.
04-15-2008 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by tubasteve
minraise yo

CiB BABY!!!!!!!!!!
04-15-2008 , 03:24 PM
i hate that phrase, but minraising or making it like 47 are indeed my favorite plays here
