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100nl but it doesnt realy matter - Isolating donks oop 100nl but it doesnt realy matter - Isolating donks oop

09-21-2009 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by qetou
This. I dunno why everyone thinks that 50/10 player will fold to a cbet IP, these players call you down till the river with a gutshot or a bottom pair.
You can raise A3s, play poker and make hero calls with A-high but you really dont have to do that. Play him IP and take his stack.
And imo A-rag, even suited, is the worst hand to isolate fish oop.
This was basicly my point and the reason why I posted. But then I'd guess you just complete right ? or fold ?
09-21-2009 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by wask
What kind of "mediocre hands" falls into this category ? (bad oop iso range I mean). The range I was talking about ?
obv the most overplayed hand in poker/ ace-rag

a mistake you see mid-stakes players making ALL the time is isolating the fish with ace-rag, double barreling when they miss and swearing when the fish calls with mid-pair. Or doing "hero value bets" with ace rag only to find the fish limped with AQ.

Also mid-stakes regs tend to iso-raise way to much with small pairs.
09-21-2009 , 09:43 AM
Are we still talking about OOP plays or even IP ?
09-21-2009 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by wask
Are we still talking about OOP plays or even IP ?

IP you could raise a much wider range
09-21-2009 , 09:51 AM
I prefer completing and just stabbing at alot of flops but it all depends, one 50/10 plays alot differently to another 50/10 making one play good for one and not the other
09-21-2009 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by Gaszzzz
I'd much rather have A3s then QT here, it has much better equity, and you can barrel most turned flush draws and some straight draws to get folds. QT you can only barrel straight draws, and barreling straight draws is often dicey as its giving other guys 2 pairs. I'm raising A3s here by default, maybe not if he's short.

Another thing to think about is that we want to be agressive in trying to take this fishy's money before other people do, and we also want to double up since he's deep, so I'd be looking for thin spots to get aggro
QT is better to isolate a fish with, at least 100bb deep, and out of position. It's a lot easier to value bet a ten than a 3
