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100NL BTN vs SB, flopped set, get c/r'sed 100NL BTN vs SB, flopped set, get c/r'sed

10-30-2010 , 09:08 PM
reason i posting this hands is that villian is absolutely unknown..
But he played more then 4tables, so seems like he on of those crazy regs. Or just regs. dontknow. It's the first hand against this player.
Could i play more profitable this hand in vacuum?

Grabbed by Holdem Manager
NL Holdem $1(BB) Replayer
SB ($243)
BB ($100)
UTG ($102)
CO ($179)
Hero ($159)

Dealt to Hero 4 4

fold, fold, Hero raises to $2.50, fold, BB calls $1.50

FLOP ($5.50) 2 4 9

BB checks, Hero bets $3, BB raises to $9, Hero calls $6

TURN ($23.50) 2 4 9 5

BB bets $21, Hero raises to $148 (AI), BB folds

Hero shows 4 4

Hero wins $62.50
10-30-2010 , 09:15 PM
Is this hand played on Ongame just now - and who is the villain, i mean a nick

Anyhow, I think ill flat the turn hoping he will fire a river bet.

Basically he reps 22 and 99 or a FD. So theres merits for shoving flop hoping that he stacks off with his FD. If you read is, that he might be a crazy reg, then let him continue his bluff you take away that opportunity
10-30-2010 , 09:19 PM
no, its not on ongame.

so, u think he would call myshove on FD+overs on turn ALWAYS? (just interesting, cuz i have no long run on 100)

And if i call turn bet, whats my range?
10-30-2010 , 09:59 PM
Nope, I think he'll fold those hands alot, since your range is SOOOOOOOO strong when shoving the turn.

Your range flatting the turn - would be 9x basically(TT) and draws - thats why villain might be prone to fire a river bet.
10-30-2010 , 10:05 PM
so, his range might be just anytwo here, right?

lets imagine, we called turn, and he shoves flushed river. Its super call, right?
And if he just cheeeecksss this river? i mean if river will close flush. he check, what to do? bet? how much?

edit: and if river bring 3x or 3d...?????
10-30-2010 , 10:20 PM
Ill snap for 100bb, if he checks, we valuebet.

The whole play is centered around letting your read - crazy reg - come to an advantage. He cant be crazy reg, unless you let him.
10-30-2010 , 10:28 PM
so u value-betting and calling shove on flush river?

and with 3x / 3 too?


and how much to bet
10-30-2010 , 10:33 PM
im not calling a show on a 3 river - since he has lots of Ax in his range.

Bet-sizing wise im a little split atm - im to tired to think it through really. Gotta sleeps
10-30-2010 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by fissehans
im not calling a show on a 3 river - since he has lots of Ax in his range.

Bet-sizing wise im a little split atm - im to tired to think it through really. Gotta sleeps
okay, thxs anyway. good night to you.
10-31-2010 , 12:53 AM
I dont like your raise sizing at all. He is only calling with sets+. If you think he might be a spaz then flat or min raise turn and let him spaz.

I also might just reraise the flop. An aggro reg isnt folding overs+fd bvb after c/ring.
10-31-2010 , 06:18 AM
Originally Posted by ledn378
I dont like your raise sizing at all. He is only calling with sets+. If you think he might be a spaz then flat or min raise turn and let him spaz.

I also might just reraise the flop. An aggro reg isnt folding overs+fd bvb after c/ring.
well the only problem is that he should theoretically fold a flush draw, and even a combo draw because he needs 33% equity

and he has no hands that he can bluffcatch us with, he has draws and nuts mostly
the sizing itself is fine, villain put in 1/3 of his stack into the pot already, anything other than a shove looks stronger to someone who can handread
10-31-2010 , 06:25 AM
repop him on the flop or just call turn. youre basically telling him to play with your nuts which a lot of male poker players are unwilling to do
10-31-2010 , 06:29 AM
well yeah, ldo repop him on the flop, he's going to felt his FD a lot, especially if he's drawing to the nuts because he can convince himself he's getting it in vs. a lower FD sometimes or sometimes has equity on his flop 4b (both of which should be false)
