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100NL 97s 100NL 97s

10-22-2008 , 07:50 PM
My handsamples on both villains were too small for reliable statistics. So far, SB had been playing loose-passive, UTG pretty aggressive.

I decided to squeeze preflop because 97s doesn't do so well multiway and non-regs often give a lot of respect to 3bets.

After the flop got checked down, I thought it was unlikely anyone had flopped a flush with low suited connectors, since a hand like that would probably have bet. On the turn, SB made a small bet. I thought he most likely had a good flush draw wanting to see a cheap river or a small overpair betting 'for information'. UTG isolates the SB, which he obviously wouldn't do with a monster. I thought he most likely had the nut flush draw, 7x or a strong overpair.

So basically, I only feared UTG and just a small part of his range, namely a 7 with a higher kicker. I have two questions concerning this hand:

Who doesn't squeeze preflop and who folds the turn?

$100.00 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $100.00
Hero (BTN): $100.00
SB: $77.75
BB: $28.50
UTG: $210.60

Pre Flop: ($1.50) Hero is BTN with 9 7
UTG raises to $4, CO calls $4, Hero raises to $16, SB calls $15.50, 1 fold, UTG calls $12, CO calls $12

Flop: ($65.00) 3 7 2 (4 players)
SB checks, UTG checks, CO checks, Hero checks

Turn: ($65.00) 7 (4 players)
SB bets $10.00, UTG raises to $194.60, CO folds, Hero calls $84 all in
10-22-2008 , 08:55 PM
I don't squeeze pf and I do fold turn. I think you are beat by at least one of the villains in this hand. I think overpairs bet the flop as anyone could have a spade here and a 4th spade kills their action anyway. I think that you are up against a better 7/FH or a made "slowplayed" flush a lot of the time here.
10-23-2008 , 05:38 AM
I usually don't squeeze an UTG-raiser, but the table was shorthanded which widens the UTG raising ranges. On top of that, IR wasn't very decent.

I don't see a FH betting so small nor isolating one of three players. UTG could definitely have a better 7 here, but his range is much wider imo and I didn't want to fold because the chance he happened to have the last 7 in the deck just was so small.
10-23-2008 , 06:15 AM
Hey Havizij,

No stats on the UTG guy even over a small sample?
I don't mind the squeeze pre, but I don't really agree that 97s doesn't play well in multiway pot. I does fairly well against an UTG raiser. The CO CCer helps a lot, and I would also consider trying to keep SB fish in the hand. I think a call IP here is good, squeeze isn't bad.

I don't think there are a lot of 7's in UTG range. If you had even a few hands of stats that could make you think he's half way decent (even 25/17 or something) then I think most 7's in his range you are ahead of (76 87) and only one 7 really beats you, A7s.

Personally I think he has more QQ, JJ, TT with a spade than nut fd hands, trying to isolate the fish after you check back the flop.

I would say his range is 76s,87s, A7s, TT-QQ with a spade and let's say a few combos of nutfd's. Don't think he would overbet shove with flopped flush or FH but who knows.

You're better than 50/50 against

AsKc,AsQc,AsJc - Don't think he has much of these so took 1/3 of them

I think you can put a bit less weight on some of the combos that have you crushed if you think the guy is reasonable.

So this is probably a pretty standard call since it's a bit over PSB and the SB's dead money helps (even if I wouldn't be suprised to see him play flush or FH like that).
10-23-2008 , 08:32 AM
def call - you have trips in a 3bet pot. UTG has overpair maybe with FD pretty often - probably checked the flop trying to check raise. SB could have anything. I doubt either have a 7 because (a) there's only one left in the deck, and (b) there's not much they could call with that has a 7 in pre, apart for mmaybe 87s which you're ahead of.

I don't mind squeezing pre, but best to do it against players who aren't loose. And 79s plays very well multiway - not sure what you meant by saying it doesn't.
10-23-2008 , 08:39 AM
I do fold turn.absolute.
10-23-2008 , 08:45 AM
I think the turn is a call, but I can turn into a callbox when someone's line doesn't make any sense. I agree with OP that UTG would likely raise smaller with a FH/Flush, and his most likely hand seems like 88/99/TT that is trying to iso the fish's weak looking holding.

I think pf is ok so long as you have a good image. If UTG is playing a wide range, your 3bet should fold out a lot of small pairs and AJ/AT/KQ type hands. Calling with position, esp on the fish, is fine as well.
10-23-2008 , 10:44 AM
PF: Squeeze is so-so, in certain situations it's better than others. In this case I like a call. I think the shortstacked BB is a factor here. And like neXs says, 97s DOES play well multiway, esp. in position, in that if you are playing a big pot with it you are likely playing a monster/monster draw, whereas if you are playing something like KQ in a big pot multiway you are often behind or flipping. With a hand like 97s, you hit big or chuck it.

Post, I call this all day in this situation, 100bb deep. There are too many overpair + draws (e.g. 10 10, J J with one spade) or AQ w A of spades that villain has in his range, and very few hands that he could have that we are already behind. (33 22 A7 are highly unlikely); something like KQss AQss AJss QJss (maybe) are the only hands I could see him having that we are behind right now and even then we have 10 outs.
10-23-2008 , 11:19 AM
i think your call is okay!
10-23-2008 , 01:29 PM
Bad squeeze, bad call on the turn. You are not playing heads up on the turn but a 4 player pot. THIS is a big, big difference!
10-23-2008 , 01:36 PM
call and spike a 9. definitely don't fold.
10-23-2008 , 01:47 PM
overshove on the turn looks so much like an overpair haha.
10-23-2008 , 01:58 PM
i dont mind the pf iso/squeeze too much, just sexy lag play imo. i call the turn, hes got 88-JJs here so often. it doesnt make any sense for him to overshove a made hand into 3 players here
10-23-2008 , 04:54 PM
in answer to your questions. firstly, i'd probably flat preflop and see a flop i like.

secondly, the suspciously big turn bet is exactly that - suspicious. Looks very much to me like he's happy he's got the fishy sb and doesn't want you around with a (better?) flush draw. As previously stated, you're beating a lot of that range.

However, I would expect to be beaten here sometimes, such as some of the 7 combos here though. I also think you could possibly be facing something like Js10s that was looking to check-raise the flop and now doesnt want As Qs Ks seeing the river?
