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100NL; 2nd Pair, villain's line seems disjointed (perhaps a bit more interesting) 100NL; 2nd Pair, villain's line seems disjointed (perhaps a bit more interesting)

01-27-2011 , 04:26 AM
this is given that the board is wet villains raising range will be depolarized if he is any good
01-27-2011 , 10:07 AM
8,910 games 0.062 secs 143,709 games/sec

Board: Js 9h 4s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 15.954% 15.03% 00.93% 1339 82.50 { 9c7c }
Hand 1: 84.046% 83.12% 00.93% 7406 82.50 { 99, 44, AsQs, KsQs, QsTs, J9s, Ts9s }

I'm pretty crushed vs. a check/raise/call range. How often is he going to be check/raise/folding?
01-27-2011 , 01:00 PM
Hmmm, didn't expect to be crushed like that.... obviously dont like it anymore.

Still, I think you can get rid of AQs and 9Ts a decent amount... which makes his range quite narrow. If he is indeed check-raising a lot, maybe there's a case for shipping... or even calling and shipping a safe turn (but I admit this is pretty thin... as there are so few safe turns)

Folding is probably going to be the best by a decent margin
01-27-2011 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by MCHpow_pow
Hmmm, didn't expect to be crushed like that.... obviously dont like it anymore.

Still, I think you can get rid of AQs and 9Ts a decent amount... which makes his range quite narrow. If he is indeed check-raising a lot, maybe there's a case for shipping... or even calling and shipping a safe turn (but I admit this is pretty thin... as there are so few safe turns)

Folding is probably going to be the best by a decent margin
Yea didnt realise we were quite that far behind, even discounting sets we are still 20/80.....what if we had QT - we have more equity ? I guess this is a spot where we need to be betting our whole range when checked to and SB realising this so putting in a tonne of CRs.

Good discussion here anyway.
01-27-2011 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Jub.
I guess . I would never consider it in game, however when he raises us he is not exactly repping a hell of a lot where as we can when we shove. Thoughts?
uh what?
01-28-2011 , 04:32 AM
dude, flop bet is for thin value/protection. co pretty much never has Jx+ after he checks the flop and if he does c/c a better 9x you can barrel him off so many turns. youre right sb can c/c Jx but if you were gonna check flop and call a turn bet anyway, its much better to bet the flop then check turn because you deny people of their equity, get value from draws as well as win the pot straight away.
02-02-2011 , 04:06 AM
i would bet the flop with this hand, AQ, any decent draw. prob checking 76, 22 type stuff unless CO is very heavily weighted toward c/f. i think you would agree that if we somehow could flatten both players' c/r freq to zero bet would keep improving in value versus check with this sort of hand in our range. and, in fact, i don't think sb is c/r as much as you might fear here. as has been said, if CO checks T9 or whatever, he'll be folding by the river a ton.

i'd bet turn as played and's just weird. as odd as his line is, it's pretty goddamn near impossible for it to be a bluff. all the stuff he'd bluff with would have just bet the turn. i wouldn't even bother thinking if i could move him off A9, TT, whatever - it's just too unlikely.
