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1/3 NLHE Top Top... Trouble? 1/3 NLHE Top Top... Trouble?

05-21-2015 , 12:22 AM
Ok, let's just get this over with eh? I bought in for $300 and had been whittled down to about $200. The players in this hand will be called A and B. A had just sat down, played a few hands and never showed anything. He brought $200 with him and had a little over that. B had about $400 and had been there longer than me, playing the typical fit or fold game and limping in whenever he could see a cheap flop.

So... A straddles for $6, B calls the $6 UTG, and it folds around to me on the button and I raise to $15 with A9 offsuit. Both blinds fold, A calls, and so does B, putting the pot at $49.

The flop comes out 9 3 4, two spades. A and B check to me, and I make it $20. A raises to $50, B calls, and I eventually call as well. Pot now at $199.

Turn is an offsuit 7. A immediately goes all in, B insta folds and the action is now on me. Fold or call? Pot is now a little over $300.

Thanks for the advice and thought processes or lectures I may receive!
05-21-2015 , 10:35 AM
Your raise pre-flop is far too small. You just give everyone odds... 3x BB as standard + 1x for limper = $24 pre-flop.

Flop bet is too small..

Flop is probably a fold but idk how ******edly bad these guys are.
05-21-2015 , 02:56 PM
I think you have to go bigger pre flop.

Flop is definitely way to small and I would fold after the raise and call.
05-22-2015 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
Flop bet is too small..

Flop is probably a fold but idk how ******edly bad these guys are.
I'd have a very hard time folding flop for this very reason.
05-23-2015 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Yoshimiii
Your raise pre-flop is far too small. You just give everyone odds... 3x BB as standard + 1x for limper = $24 pre-flop.

Flop bet is too small..

Flop is probably a fold but idk how ******edly bad these guys are.
I'm not an NL player, but FWIW, B cold called a flop raise on 943ss and then insta-folded a brick turn getting like 7:3 on his call. Did he just decide to chase spades for a street?

OP, 2.5x is way too small IMO, this hand definitely doesn't want to be 3 ways. I'd go bigger on flop, too.

As played, folding TPTK on 943 seems wayyyyyyyyy too nitty, no? This is a straddle range, he could have all sorts of stuff (though the 7 completes his 65, which sucks).
05-23-2015 , 01:57 AM
I wasn't worried about B. Btw, afterward, he did say he had a straight AND flush draw.
