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<img /2 Live w/JJ <img /2 Live w/JJ

10-03-2008 , 12:14 PM
Alright so I was playing live and terrible about details of the board so I will try to explain this as best as possible. Well I have a TAG image before this hand comes up right here. I am wondering if I can every find a fold here. Effective Stacks $155, which is all I had at the time, UTG raised to $10 and I am UTG+1 w/JJ so I reraise to $30 action folds to the original raiser who flat calls. The flop comes small all rainbow, sorry for the lack of details, UTG checks I lead out for $45 and he reraises me to $105 leaving me with $20 behind if I call. Can I find a fold here against an uknown opponent. I mean the guy has not been doing anything crazy but @ what point am I pot committed and have to go with this hand. Sorry for the lack of details but I am interested in seeing what you guys say.
10-03-2008 , 12:16 PM
Shove or fold, but if you fold, don't 3-bet imo
10-03-2008 , 12:36 PM
Hmm I am also realizing how tight live players ranges are usually as well. With that being said am I better usually three betting this hand or flat calling and evaluating the flop?
10-03-2008 , 03:53 PM
like said above you have to fold or shove here calling sucks.

as played like dont 3bet pre if youre not going to stack of in this spot esp. since youre not even 100bb deep.

I would just shove here yeah he could be c/r you with a set here like you said live players are tight but he could very well be doing this with worse overpairs as well and I dont like folding once youve 3bet pre and cbetthe flop here. he likely would have RR pre with AA/KK. if he was planning to c/r a low board he prob should have RR QQ pre as well. (but alot of live players dont get that youre range doesnt magicly change when low cards flop so not totally sure about that read).

dont have a stove in front of me put this is prob a push IMO.
ive noticed even though live players are tight they always seem to put you on AK in these spots if they are semi thinking which makes this a ez push.
10-04-2008 , 02:34 AM
shove, but as it it first said, don't re-raise pre
10-04-2008 , 03:56 AM
You're getting shown TPTK TT type hands too often to fold your stack size in most live games IMO, so yeah like the others said your issue is with the pre-flop- I guess just have a clear image of what your options will be after the flop so you don't get pot committed with a weak hand.
