Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 17
I read the post for noobs posting, and I promise you that this will be the only post I make in this forum that is not toally on the subject of poker. To the vets, this may sound redundant, but this is one of my first posts and I plan to use 2+2 as one the most important tools in my game. I can tell you that I will not be posting questions including anything about folding pre flop or tossing a bottom set on the flop. I have gone broke 2x. Once with a starting BR of 1500 playing 1/2 6 max once with a BR of 1700 playing .50 1 HU. Neither of these times did I move down limits.
My new plan is to have a starting BR of 4000 playing .50 1 HU with RB of course.
Whether this is right or wrong I write a lot when I respond to you guys posts, if you disagree with what I write or can spot a hole in my game by anything that I say, please PM me, I will message you back and I will have a discussion with you whatever your opinion of a hand or situation is. I love to talk poker I could do it for hours literally. Everyone on here wants to make money playing poker, so lets find the fish and help eachother. I am a huge fan of constrctive criticism and I need help. Heres to never going broke again!
My first question, because I am currently not playing online and will only start with a sufficient BR, has to do with a live game that I was recently playing. This has to do with bet sizing, which I beleive is a huge tell and is far underrated and understudied, is that is a word. Here goes guys.
The game is all loose passive with all effective stacks of over 150bb each for the people involved with this hand. I had 250BB.
MP I call with 22.
Button Calls
SB completes.
BB raises to 12.
All calls.
(48) flop: J 7 2 Rainbow
BB bets 35.
I call.
fold, fold
(118) turn: 10
BB bets 70.
I raise to 185.
He folds with around 180-190 left behind him.
Where did I go wrong and why.