Originally Posted by rachit12
switch to no limit holdem
Not sure if troll... or just doesn't get it.
In CO casinos there isn't No Limit anything. The most you can bet in a casino is $100. Whether it's Craps, Blackjack or Poker. Basically, if your opponent bets $100 into you on the river and you have the stone cold nuts, all you can do is raise to $200.
rognow61, I'm from CO and I play up there every now and then. It is beyond beatable since the players are terrible just like so many other casinos. There aren't too many hands where I could so bluff/raising to more than $100 is very +EV since a lot of the players in 1/2 are very passive and they wouldn't build a big pot without a big hand. As for players who bet $100 into a $50 pot, the limit has nothing to do with that. They are just bad. Yeah it sucks when you have a FD or something and they price you out, but it just makes you laugh at them on the inside more when you flop the nuts (or close to it) and their overbet allows you to felt them.
I would suggest staying at the 1/2 level though. I've logged probably 50 or so hours up there in the last 2 months and I only need one hand to count all the times where I would have been >$100 if I could. The players up there are so passive it just doesn't become an issue too often. Anything higher than 1/2 would almost turn into a limit game by any river.
Yes, it sucks, and for the good players it probably kills their win rate a little bit, but in CO this is as good as it gets for now (Well, as far as legal games go.) Did you live in CO 2 years ago? The limit was $5. Imagine the crapshoot that would be. Glad I didn't turn 21 until after they raised the limit.