without proper information on villain , you are pretty much playing this hand blind ... ( is he a fish over valuing trips , is he a nit who only raises boats here , does he like to run bluffs on scare cards , etc etc etc)
From a general strategy view , perhaps wait till you understand your opponents tendencies a bit better , till you start opening middle to lower parts of your pre flop range.
This way spots like this , you will already have a feel to what kind of ranges he will be raising your turn bet with .
In a vacuum raising isn't really an option as he shouldn't call you off with worse.
That leaves calling and check deciding /hoping he checks river or folding turn straight away.
These two options are pretty close , I think I lean towards calling turn due to pot odds and lack of info on oppanant, and probably check fold river .
Either way not a great spot to be in ev wise and could have been avoided with as mentioned an intitial tighter opening range.