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At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop?

07-24-2009 , 05:06 AM it still terrible at 50PLO? I can't stand this crap at .1/.25. I know they make it "profitable" but it's annoying as **** to have no clue what they're holding, and have them call a raise with Q742 and hit a better boat on me when I'm holding 78910ds etc etc.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 05:15 AM
At iPoker PLO50 there is a 98/64 reg.
No he is not winning.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 05:38 AM
move up to where they respect your T987ds
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 05:51 AM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast it still terrible at 50PLO? I can't stand this crap at .1/.25. I know they make it "profitable" but it's annoying as **** to have no clue what they're holding, and have them call a raise with Q742 and hit a better boat on me when I'm holding 78910ds etc etc.
I promise you that moving up limits doesn't necessarily mean you will be playing against better players. I have been playing PLO online for about 8 years and have played on 6 different sites and every limit from .01/.02 - 5/10

Some of the most solid player I have ever played with were in the .25/.50 - 1/2 range.

Some guys in the higher limits just play PLO because they like to play alot of hands and get off, on trying to bust big hands. Trust me, you need the bad players there or you will never make any money.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 06:07 AM
If you cant handle the swings then this game isnt really for you
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by Thompz
If you cant handle the swings then this game isnt really for you
It's not even the swings. The amount of money I win/lose right now is fairly insignificant to me due to playing at such low stakes. I'm honestly just trying to learn PLO and develop a winning strategy and when I'm playing against a table where everyone calls a raise/3-bet with any four cards it's annoying. I feel like my game isn't really improving at all because I can't push anyone off a hand since they'll just call down air and suck out a straight or flush.

Perhaps I'm just taking the wrong approach at it? I don't know...that's why I'm posting here.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 07:00 AM
use position, crush, ???, profit
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 11:21 AM
I never get these posts. I would love to have more of these donks at my table. They are like the most profitable people to have. Adjust your game to play against them and you will be fine. Don't play the same as when your playing against a solid 25/20.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
It's not even the swings. The amount of money I win/lose right now is fairly insignificant to me due to playing at such low stakes. I'm honestly just trying to learn PLO and develop a winning strategy and when I'm playing against a table where everyone calls a raise/3-bet with any four cards it's annoying. I feel like my game isn't really improving at all because I can't push anyone off a hand since they'll just call down air and suck out a straight or flush.

Perhaps I'm just taking the wrong approach at it? I don't know...that's why I'm posting here.
Its hard to push people of draws in this game since they can have a lot more outs then the standard 8/9. If this is standard for you then there may be big leaks in your game,

i.e. it can be good to push people of flush draws when you hold the A but you need to know the player you are doing this with as not everyone will fold a flush draws etc
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 11:28 AM
There are 80% VPIP donks at least up to 3/6. Thank God for them.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 11:53 AM
table select ffs, there are plenty of ~30% vpip tables if you honestly think that's your most profitable dynamic..


stop playing into these guys hands by pushing small edges and trying to take down every pot you play. The guys you describe are trying to give you their money, you can profitably nit up a bit and wait till your hand is made before extracting value. Adapt.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 01:19 PM
push the action when you are in position. call with drawy hands OOP. try to hit flops hard.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Xr8ed

If you have 80/0's who are not folding, just don't bluff them often and value bet them a lot thinner. It's as simple as that.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by feedthabeast
It's not even the swings. The amount of money I win/lose right now is fairly insignificant to me due to playing at such low stakes. I'm honestly just trying to learn PLO and develop a winning strategy and when I'm playing against a table where everyone calls a raise/3-bet with any four cards it's annoying. I feel like my game isn't really improving at all because I can't push anyone off a hand since they'll just call down air and suck out a straight or flush.

Perhaps I'm just taking the wrong approach at it? I don't know...that's why I'm posting here.

^^^ This ^^^ I'm in the same spot.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 01:41 PM
[QUOTE=Thompz;12057749]Its hard to push people of draws in this game since they can have a lot more outs then the standard 8/9. If this is standard for you then there may be big leaks in your game,

Ok, can you show an example??

Say I'm on CO w/ KKxx/ss. Everyone folds to me. I raise 3xBB. Both blinds call. Say both blinds are 65/8 fish.

Flop 1. K-T-8, 2 hearts. Blinds both check, you pot, they both call. Half the deck on the turn kills you. Do you still get it in for stacks? Check or puke-call a turn card?

Flop 2. Q-6-3 rainbow. Blinds both check. You c-bet 2/3 pot. Blinds both call. What now?
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 01:48 PM
they dont
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Thompz
Its hard to push people of draws in this game since they can have a lot more outs then the standard 8/9. If this is standard for you then there may be big leaks in your game,

i.e. it can be good to push people of flush draws when you hold the A but you need to know the player you are doing this with as not everyone will fold a flush draws etc
I'm not talking about people calling down with something like a wrap and flush draw. That's fine with me and I realize even if I'm holding top set in that situation I'm likely to lose. Bare ace bluff at this level is pretty worthless too as I got stacked on a flop with nut straight and top 2 against someone shoving the Q high flush draw. They just don't give it up.

What tilts me is people calling with complete trash (bottom pair) and sucking out a runner runner overfull when it makes me an underfull etc. How do you put someone on Q394 when the board is 1038QQ and you're holding 1010xx? It just doesn't happen (for me at least).
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 02:22 PM
Oh no, not donator fish. Anything but that
How do you put someone on Q394 when the board is 1038QQ and you're holding 1010xx? It just doesn't happen (for me at least)
WTF? Why do you need to be able to put them on anything? Just vbet them dead, win. If they're often c-cing bottom pair then you will crush them (despite the times they suck out)
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-24-2009 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by illegit
Oh no, not donator fish. Anything but that

WTF? Why do you need to be able to put them on anything? Just vbet them dead, win. If they're often c-cing bottom pair then you will crush them (despite the times they suck out)
Very true. I guess my view is too short-run oriented, and I need to just look at the long-run. Obviously getting money in the pot this far ahead is always a good thing in spite of the outcome.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-25-2009 , 01:45 AM
Something nobody has mentioned yet, make sure you are BR'd properly playing against these guys (50 BI+) , you can easily drop 10BI on a bad luck run despite being the better player, and it can be demoralizing if you were only playing with a 20-30BI roll.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-25-2009 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by BananaBalla

If you have 80/0's who are not folding, just don't bluff them often and value bet them a lot thinner. It's as simple as that.

At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-25-2009 , 03:00 AM
clearly you need to bet bigger. bet twice the pot on every street. This should help
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-25-2009 , 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Kittens
Something nobody has mentioned yet, make sure you are BR'd properly playing against these guys (50 BI+) , you can easily drop 10BI on a bad luck run despite being the better player, and it can be demoralizing if you were only playing with a 20-30BI roll.
uuuh no its the other way need a big bankroll if you constantly play in tough a really soft game you can get by on a smaller roll.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-25-2009 , 10:11 AM
just don't play like 12 tables, watch your opponent tendencies, adapt and you'll be fine.
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
07-25-2009 , 11:10 AM
There was a 95/70 or something playing stars $5/10 today
At what stakes do the 80% VPIP donks stop? Quote
