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Weird ultra thin semi bluff Weird ultra thin semi bluff

12-12-2008 , 11:50 AM
This is a live hand, so sorry for my horrid HH. Its a £1/2 straight PLO game.

I'm in the sb with K6JTddxx and 2 players limp, and I complete and the bb checks. We're all at least 200bbs deep (the vill has almost 250bb). (£8)

Flop; 9s Jh 4d

I bet £8, bb calls, 2 folds. Probably a spot for me to check fold, but I thought my hand might have been good enough to win there. (£24)
Turn; 3d
I bet £21, bb raises to £63, I raise to £221, bb calls (leaving about £200 behind).

River; 9h
I move in for the effective £200ish, bb folds

Obviously the turn is a thin semi bluff, but considering the player I thought it was pretty decent. I think the main thing is that my line is very consistent with the nuts. He was a decent thinking player (who may have been on slight calling mode due to him being losing slightly and at the end of the night, but he had a decent stack I felt he wouldn't want to get in too light). His line really made no sense, its highly unlikely that if he had a set which wasn't JJ then he wouldn't call then raise the turn, and even if he did then he was likely to fold to my threeb. One of the hands that made sense was was a wrap that picked up a flushdraw, but I felt he was a good enough player to jam KQTx on the flop, so he'd probably fold a lot of bad wraps to me on the turn.

My friend and I discussed the river, and in our 5AM drivel discussion decided that check/snapping the river would have been the sickest line ever. At the time it seemed like shoving would fold ties, AJ, maybe 33/44 if he was horribly spewy. I miss the opportunity to pick off a buyin sized bluff, but it would have been a horrible crying call.

So yeah, any feedback on the hand would be cool, sorry for the rambling nature, ive just tried to put what was running through my head at the time but have doubtlessly missed something important.
Weird ultra thin semi bluff Quote
12-12-2008 , 11:52 AM
Well river is standard once you get there this way.

I think flop isn't terrible, turn is pretty spewy against most people.
Weird ultra thin semi bluff Quote
12-12-2008 , 12:45 PM
yeah, it was kinda weird on the turn. I guess i just thought he'd lay down most draws but the nut wrap+FD which he would have raised flop with and I was pretty convinced he didn't have top set.

What kinda range are people calling/shoving to my threeb here?
Weird ultra thin semi bluff Quote
