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Turn lead against fish (good or bad?) Turn lead against fish (good or bad?)

04-27-2020 , 03:52 PM

Villain is an any-4-cards fish
He likes bluffing when checked to, both as the PFR or caller.

My issue is regarding the turn, though.
I like leading turn with my hand since it's possible to push him off some weak hands
that have good equity against me and that he could decide to check back.

River, is this a default shove, once he only calls the turn?
The only reason for a shove would be to make him fold a set though.
He will not raise a set on the turn, for sure.
There is a chance he also calls with worse two pair, although I'm not very optimistic about it.
Turn lead against fish (good or bad?) Quote
04-29-2020 , 07:45 AM
I would not lead the turn, because your hand would hate a raise. You have good equity that you want to realize. With leading you make the pot large and it will difficult spot on the river if you don't improve.

I would make a small valuebet on the river. Fish rarely folds a set, but can call with worse 2 pair.
Turn lead against fish (good or bad?) Quote
05-03-2020 , 02:35 PM
I would check turn. As played on the river I'd fire like 1/2 pot and hope to get value from worse two pairs. Fold to a raise as I don't think he'd bluffraise in this spot.
Turn lead against fish (good or bad?) Quote
05-04-2020 , 02:38 AM
Not a great spot for turn lead, your hand does not need much protection, nor will you be bluffing river often.

If you want fold equity, then turn check-raise is better and quite reasonable.

As played, betting river for value, normally medium sizing. Smaller sizing is actually quite reasonable but vs a fish i err towards larger.
Turn lead against fish (good or bad?) Quote
05-04-2020 , 04:26 PM
Turn lead is good with pair and straight blockers + decent equity when called. I'd lean towards small blocking bet on river, since we can get called by worse and I don't feel great calling big bet. If this guy is the type to check back hands with sd value and bet big with his bluffs, c/c might be best.
Turn lead against fish (good or bad?) Quote
