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TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep

11-21-2012 , 06:22 AM
If it's as close as the simulations seem to turn out, I prefer shoving over c/f'ing.
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
11-22-2012 , 10:03 PM
So am I the only one even considering check raising all in with that potsize? -.-
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
11-23-2012 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Quadrophobia

*The analysis also fails to take into account that UTG+1 will 4bet a substantial proportion of his AA pre-flop. When you choose a 3-20% range, you can eliminate at least 10% and as much as 2/3 of the hands used in the first simulation. Do this in your simulations by adding (3%-20%)!AA.
Syntax question: isn't (3%-20%)!AA = (3%-20%)? I thought AA** was top 2.57% of hands.
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
12-08-2012 , 02:35 AM
Yeah that's what I thought as well, which prompted me to check it out in Range Explorer - turns out there's a bunch of AAA* and AA**r hands in it - bunch of really premium KKs and QQs are ranked ahead of them.

Enjoyed this thread - Quad and J.a.o.p definitely two of my favorite posters on here.
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
12-08-2012 , 03:07 AM
those equations seem easy to do in real time
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
12-08-2012 , 04:31 AM
I dont get preflop
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
12-08-2012 , 08:54 AM
sick analysis. ty very much. i also shoved in game but wasnt sure about it.
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
12-09-2012 , 12:45 PM
So obviously profit is determined by how often the pot is stolen. I think this is too variable relative to villain reads/ hero image to solve. I think betting<pot is better and folding if there is heavy action.

Hero range may even be perceived stronger, less like an AA78 or AAT8 without clubs for instance, like making out that hero is trying to lure in dominated hands rather than just trying to steal the pot with max pressure. IF one is going to pot call, then might aswell try to weaken their continuing ranges a little. THat said I believe that check folding is not a good decision after 3bing preflop, we should be able to fold out alot of hands that we really do not wish to be in the pot like QQ**cc combos but maybe pull in hands that have perceived equity vs aa** but are actually not doing so well.
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
12-14-2012 , 06:02 AM
flat pre pot/call
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
04-27-2013 , 12:01 AM
I quite like squeezing with 2 pair ds but this you're going to average 3 or so players on the flop and your hand plays like garbage, so flat. Flop is close, I'd check and then potentially jam it all in.
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
04-27-2013 , 03:44 AM
late high-five!
TT22 ds sqzt pot slitly deep Quote
