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TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way

08-15-2021 , 09:59 AM
PLO100 - 4 players

All 100bb

Hero A K Q 3

folds, CO raises to 3.5bb, BU calls, Hero raises to 14bb, CO calls, BU calls

Flop (42bb) : Q 6 9

Hero ? (86bb left, SPR 2)

kind of spot quite reccuring and I don't know exactly how to think about it

Preflop is quite standard i guess.
AKQx ds, with A and K suited.
the 3 is a dangler but still a little connected to make some wheel draws

Flop, it's quite of a nutted flop for me, and I'm happy to gii of course.

Now i'm very confused of what I have to think about sizing, ranges etc...

There're tons of draws here. I'm quite happy to get paid by some oesd+FD, pair + FD etc...
I'm happy to keep oesd, lower FD etc...
I'm still in a good shape vs most DP.

Is there any reason to try to c/r here ? (let villain the opportunity to "steal" the pot with some p+FD, p+oesd etc... which may fold when I pot).
It doesn't seems very good. Villain will check back to often and there're many turns that i don't want to see.

If i bet, should I pot or size it ?
I don't think I have a b/f range here, neither bluffing range. so there's no sense to bet ~2/3 pot i think.
If i size, it should be some 1/3 pot max i would say.

Or is it just a no brainer pot/gii ?

On that board and with this SPR 3way, how should I play bare AAxx/KKxx ?
Or a hand like AKQJ without the FD ?

TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-15-2021 , 11:58 AM
Bet/gii. You absolutely don't want it to get checked through as any non heart turn or ace is going to be tough to play.
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-15-2021 , 12:00 PM
Normal bet seems fine

Dont see the benefits to checkraise here. Villain will have equity with all his hands so we beter bet and get his weak hands out.
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-15-2021 , 01:28 PM
ok thx

yeah bet/gii seemed me the play that made more sens too

but about the sizing ?
Have you got some sizedbet/fold range here ?

i guess no so it's just a pot/gii ?

how do you play bare AAxx here ?
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-16-2021 , 05:14 PM
I assume that villain will shove all his sets, two pairs and big draws anyway regardless of betsize.

Think if we bet full pot we might chase away the weaker hands. Also makes it more difficult to bet mediocre hands here.

So would go for the standard 2/3 pot bet. Wouldn't mind some action here.
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-16-2021 , 10:01 PM
Yep, 2/3 sets up a shove on the turn.
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-17-2021 , 06:06 AM
2 queen of hearts?

I would probably call flat pre. Your hand has good nut potential but you don’t have good position.
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
08-17-2021 , 11:01 PM
3b all day
TPTK + NFD on 3bet pot 3way Quote
