PLO100 - 4 players
All 100bb
Hero A
folds, CO raises to 3.5bb, BU calls, Hero raises to 14bb, CO calls, BU calls
Flop (42bb) : Q
Hero ? (86bb left, SPR 2)
kind of spot quite reccuring and I don't know exactly how to think about it
Preflop is quite standard i guess.
AKQx ds, with A and K suited.
the 3 is a dangler but still a little connected to make some wheel draws
Flop, it's quite of a nutted flop for me, and I'm happy to gii of course.
Now i'm very confused of what I have to think about sizing, ranges etc...
There're tons of draws here. I'm quite happy to get paid by some oesd+FD, pair + FD etc...
I'm happy to keep oesd, lower FD etc...
I'm still in a good shape vs most DP.
Is there any reason to try to c/r here ? (let villain the opportunity to "steal" the pot with some p+FD, p+oesd etc... which may fold when I pot).
It doesn't seems very good. Villain will check back to often and there're many turns that i don't want to see.
If i bet, should I pot or size it ?
I don't think I have a b/f range here, neither bluffing range. so there's no sense to bet ~2/3 pot i think.
If i size, it should be some 1/3 pot max i would say.
Or is it just a no brainer pot/gii ?
On that board and with this SPR 3way, how should I play bare AAxx/KKxx ?
Or a hand like AKQJ without the FD ?