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For those who sit to play HU... For those who sit to play HU...

02-16-2009 , 02:27 PM
Do you feel you get more drop in action:
- sitting full stack or half stack?
- sitting at several tables or just one?
- sitting at several stakes vs just one?
- or doesn't it matter?

For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:36 PM
-one table
-half stack
-one level

sitting multiple tables at same limit is plain ******ed, doing disservice to yourself, other regulars and potential players
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 03:42 PM
two tables, 3/4-full stacks, one stake

though realistically, probably doesnt really matter.. plenty of guys sit 4 tables, at tons of different stakes, and still get plenty of action
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 04:10 PM
60bb stack
one table at several stakes
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 04:33 PM
for those of you sitting less than full stacked, is that to possibly get more action or do you just prefer starting off shallower while you get to know your opponent?

I don't play much HU, but I always buyin full since the stacks will probably be deep in about 15-20 mins anyways, probably less
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 06:03 PM
I'm guessing a lot of the regulars like playing full stacks and don't want to get hit and run, so they avoid the shorter stacks.

So if you sit with like 50bb or w/e, the fish who like to sit in with less will obv sit with you, and the weaker regs who want to bum hunt will also sit with you.

I know I'm guilty of picking on guys who sit with less than full stacks, but they're almost always bad
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 06:34 PM
Kind of off topic but don't you guys find it annoying to play those 40bb stacks that seem to plague HU. If they double up they insta leave, if they win a 10bb pot within 3 hands they leave 50% of the time, if you win half their stack they shove a ton of flops for the next few hands on tilt, and generally it's hard to have a significant edge against them if they have a clue how to play since they're rarely faced with any difficult decisions being only 40bb deep.

And another thing, you might as well play the limit below if you'e playing 40bb stacks?

After I double one up for the millionth time in my life and they insta quit I swear never again. Only to get no action for ten minutes apart from donk short stacks and I end up giving in.

Last edited by RIVERED4MYBANKROLL; 02-16-2009 at 06:44 PM.
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 08:04 PM
usually sit at 2 tables per limit lots of times less cos i also have a zillion hunl tables open on multiple stakes

sit with 100x stacks, and get plenty of donk action at 1/2
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by BananaBalla
I'm guessing a lot of the regulars like playing full stacks and don't want to get hit and run, so they avoid the shorter stacks.

So if you sit with like 50bb or w/e, the fish who like to sit in with less will obv sit with you, and the weaker regs who want to bum hunt will also sit with you.

I know I'm guilty of picking on guys who sit with less than full stacks, but they're almost always bad

hit n run works both ways, these short stackers are at a disadvantage, are tards, some run, some stay, but they give it back anyway.

hit n run is part of the game but its really not a big deal if you consider poker and the hands ur dealt on a timeline of infinity. starting and stopping way with control and being able to just book a win and leave albeit somes early more importatn against other competent player when youre playing 100+ bb deep
then against the small donators and believe me they are donators.

less chips, less skill.... they want you to crush them
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-16-2009 , 11:38 PM
when I played .50hu on stars for 5k hands or do I noticed I got more action from fish with a 60bb stack that I would reload to full within 10 hands. At 100/200 I don't think it mattered as much but probsbky some. Smaller than full buyin entices bad players because they dont feel as intimidated.
For those who sit to play HU... Quote
02-17-2009 , 11:25 AM
I dont think shortstackers are too bad.. yeah it sucks to get hit n run, but just recall all that easy money they give. Furthermore a shortstacker on tilt that reloads full is just a goldmine... In the long run I think they are much more profitable that playing regular guys.

I usually sit at one table, when I get action i open the next. Dont think bad players search you or check other tables. I would assume the number of tables you sit at get less important as stakes increase... but i wouldn't know.

For those who sit to play HU... Quote
