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some ladyboys look even better than the women (NC Thread) some ladyboys look even better than the women (NC Thread)

01-07-2012 , 07:04 PM
Haven't heard from provo in a while.
01-07-2012 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by pkrtxs
Was about this time last year
The dude mike tyson'd his ear
Pretty sure it was in DC, but same **** different wrapping.
01-07-2012 , 07:13 PM
DC is to baltimore as penis is to balls

Last edited by pkrtxs; 01-07-2012 at 07:14 PM. Reason: or is it the other way around?
01-07-2012 , 07:24 PM
is there somewhere in 2p2 alexeimartov well type of thread? tried to find it but no luck
01-07-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by pkrtxs
DC is to baltimore as penis is to balls
Balls::Scrotum or some such
01-07-2012 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by napsus
is there somewhere in 2p2 alexeimartov well type of thread? tried to find it but no luck
He had a well as MagicNinja - I haven't searched for it, but it should be there.
01-07-2012 , 07:44 PM
01-07-2012 , 08:01 PM
^ ditto

i can't find it anywhere
01-07-2012 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by napsus
^ ditto

i can't find it anywhere
it was there, but been deleted

think you should be able to see it being mod, no?
01-07-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by GoGetaRealJob
Crash delivers yet again

How much time does a person need to fully realize his potential? Find love? have kids? reach spiritual fullfilment? travel the world? fight injustice?

What are your priorities? What do you want to achieve in this life, and why? If you don't get there, have you failed? I think many Western societies suffer from a meritocratic mindset, we feel we need to collect experiences to be happy. Think about that African fisherman living his simple life in small circles, celebrating its awesomeness in song every night.
Thanks man, this is a really great post too. The last line in particular about the fisherman is very profound. These two paragraphs gave me a lot to think about and made me realize just how far I've been straying off the path I know is right in a lot of respects. Desire and greed and self-involvement and seeking to "level up" in life might be what makes the world economy work and lead to a lot of advances in technology, but they're generally nasty emotions to be afflicted with and will typically lead to never being able to find true satisfaction except in the brief moments where you've just acquired some material thing, are in the throes of getting some addictive fix, had your ego stroked by someone or some thing, or accomplished goal you've been striving for.

Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
I enjoyed that story too... Some of my philosophy

there is no potential, only luck, everything always boils down to luck, the value of which undefinable existing inbetween 0 and 1. 'Full potential' suggests there is a '1' - I think this is bs mentality. It is unlucky to be desiring purpose, or achievement, it would never be satisfied for the same reason the value inbetween 0 and 1 is non observable...

Is having kids a purpose? There will be no human life at some point in time. Everything dissapears, nothing exists, it ust appears to because time is going so slowly that it is not actually even moving, because how can there be a unit of time within infinity, where is the point between 0 and 1 and where is the point between life and death.

I think the guy in story was better off with his initial choice. I'd rather go out with bang and happy in will than prolong suffering and feeling failure at losing a 'fight'.
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

Everything you said is all kind of true or at least could be the nature of our reality, but existential thinking like this doesn't really accomplish anything, unless perhaps it's done with a sense of wonder and awe rather than nihilism. I'd say thinking like this is the other end of the mental dysfunction spectrum from thinking the ultimate goal is being able to buy a sick new car, enormous house, and beautiful gf.

Originally Posted by yrmom

Crash: I keep on being impressed at the quality of your characters, I enjoyed that story a lot too. You should keep them all and make a compilation at one point.

Last edited by crashwhips; 01-07-2012 at 09:29 PM. Reason: typos
01-07-2012 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by heh
He had a well as MagicNinja - I haven't searched for it, but it should be there.
It was called "Ask Magicninja anything about everything" I'm pretty sure, and unfortunately it seems like it's been deleted. I remember I read the first 50 posts or so in it, but it turned into another one of those threads I read the beginning of, decided was awesome and that I would finish at a a later date, only to never return to read the rest.

I've put off a lot of things in my life. Like finishing 2p2 threads.
01-08-2012 , 12:01 AM
01-08-2012 , 12:20 AM
Sort of random, but something I really want to write down... it is stunning to me how nice / supportive some people are to me, even when I **** up things. Would I be there for those people if they ****ed up something? Obviously. But still the fact that there are people who actually believe in me and love me, it is amazing.
01-08-2012 , 12:28 AM
Hey guys

If anyone might know of someone who is looking for a roommate in the Toronto area this summer, I'd like to get in touch with them. PM me please.

I'm more of a reg in MTTc (post here occasionally) but figured I'd throw it out here as well. Thanks
01-08-2012 , 12:29 AM
Love is what makes the world go round
01-08-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Desire and greed and self-involvement and seeking to "level up" in life might be what makes the world economy work and lead to a lot of advances in technology, but they're generally nasty emotions to be afflicted with and will typically lead to never being able to find true satisfaction except in the brief moments where you've just acquired some material thing, are in the throes of getting some addictive fix, had your ego stroked by someone or some thing, or accomplished goal you've been striving for.
Well said.

I think the problem lies in results-orientedness, people don't appreciate the process enough compared to achievement. I absolutely think that it's important and healthy to have dreams and feel passionate about something, but we shouldn't be so damn desperate about having something to show for it.

This is also an important aspect to think about in terms of poker and grinding. If you want to make yourself happy in the long term playing poker - especially online poker - you need to make sure you're enjoying the process as much as the wealth/freedom you can accumulate.

Originally Posted by parkour247
Sort of random, but something I really want to write down... it is stunning to me how nice / supportive some people are to me, even when I **** up things. Would I be there for those people if they ****ed up something? Obviously. But still the fact that there are people who actually believe in me and love me, it is amazing.

There's still hope for mankind, IMO. We're decent beings at heart, just easily corrupted.

Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob

Is having kids a purpose? There will be no human life at some point in time. Everything dissapears, nothing exists, it ust appears to because time is going so slowly that it is not actually even moving, because how can there be a unit of time within infinity, where is the point between 0 and 1 and where is the point between life and death.

You're prob right, but my general mindset - and I'm guessing yours as well - is along the lines of "while we're still here... let's enjoy the ride".

Personally I'm still expecting a deity to create a second Earth out of thin air right next to us and say "ok kids, you've used your mulligan now". Anyone wanna join my cult?

Last edited by GoGetaRealJob; 01-08-2012 at 12:55 AM.
01-08-2012 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by pkrtxs
DC is to baltimore as penis is to balls

01-08-2012 , 06:16 AM
Indian man gets scalped by a leopard. Hint: Don't try to chase away wild leopards if you like your head

01-08-2012 , 08:44 AM
Originally Posted by heh
Indian man gets scalped by a leopard. Hint: Don't try to chase away wild leopards if you like your head

pretty sure we saw him at shock last night
01-08-2012 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by pkrtxs
Love is what makes the world go round
thought it was monies
01-08-2012 , 01:56 PM
Had such a great weekend.

Was at my best friend's place, in a different town, with a total of 5 guys. Going out to eat, drinking for 2 nights, playing NHL 12 more or less hungover, talking ****... I don't think I've laughed this much in ages. Just so many stupid jokes.

And it's always different to go out in a new place. The first night there was some thai lady, who pretty clearly was a hooker, hitting on one of my friends on the dance floor. He realized the situation, but had a bit of fun with it - took the free samples, as I called it. They danced a bit, but then at one point when my friend let her know he wasn't really interested, she went 'asian girlfriend' on his ass. The second night, around 4AM, walking home from the night club, we saw the same girl on the street, talking to two middle-aged men. We walked past them and all burst out laughing at the spot. Only thing not so good about the trip was realizing how much of a pussy I am. Especially the second night, there were lots of smoking how girls around my age on the dance floor, hovering around, and I never got the balls to do anything about it...
01-08-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Jabonator
Had such a great weekend.
Especially the second night, there were lots of smoking how girls around my age on the dance floor, hovering around, and I never got the balls to do anything about it...
Yeah that happens to me too way too often, between the moment you notice the girl and figure you have an opening to go in and the moment you realize you didn't do anything, you need to cut the "if" moment in between.

Literally has to be instinctual, you cut off all thought for a moment and just go for it, whether it's to say "hey" or to start dancing with the girl (don't do the DanceRape thing coming from the back tho, obv).

Human mind always tries to come up with worst case scenarios when you let it think, but more than often if you're warm and friendly people will be warm and friendly back. IDK why, I have plenty of positive experiences interacting with strangers, but my mind still races to think I'm going to stutter or make a fool of myself when I'm about to go talk to a girl I'm interested in.
01-08-2012 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Jabonator
Had such a great weekend.

Was at my best friend's place, in a different town, with a total of 5 guys. Going out to eat, drinking for 2 nights, playing NHL 12 more or less hungover, talking ****... I don't think I've laughed this much in ages. Just so many stupid jokes.

And it's always different to go out in a new place. The first night there was some thai lady, who pretty clearly was a hooker, hitting on one of my friends on the dance floor. He realized the situation, but had a bit of fun with it - took the free samples, as I called it. They danced a bit, but then at one point when my friend let her know he wasn't really interested, she went 'asian girlfriend' on his ass. The second night, around 4AM, walking home from the night club, we saw the same girl on the street, talking to two middle-aged men. We walked past them and all burst out laughing at the spot. Only thing not so good about the trip was realizing how much of a pussy I am. Especially the second night, there were lots of smoking how girls around my age on the dance floor, hovering around, and I never got the balls to do anything about it...
please don't troll lady thailand
01-08-2012 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by parkour247
Sort of random, but something I really want to write down... it is stunning to me how nice / supportive some people are to me, even when I **** up things. Would I be there for those people if they ****ed up something? Obviously. But still the fact that there are people who actually believe in me and love me, it is amazing.
Are you blond with big boobs? Or anything with big boobs?

jk obviously, but wouldn't be surprised as number 1. reason for people being nice and helpful to you is being pretty (w big boobs obv)
01-08-2012 , 05:02 PM
