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(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory (small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory

04-20-2015 , 06:41 AM
These pics ->>

2.5bb pf bet, button, non showdown winnings.

3.5bb pf bet, button, non showdown winnings.

are a very small proof of my theory in this post:

I'm aware of the fact that the sample size is very small.. but this is a small proof that my theory is atleast right in smallest micro stakes. I highly recommend trying this out.

The sample size is over 4000 hands that i played on the weekend.

we see clearly that non showdown winnings are over double the amount when 3.5bb pf opening from button.
This concludes also the theory that you shall almost open 100% of your hands from button.

You might be sceptical that you probably lose alot when went to showdown.
Answer to that is no. Simply because equities run so close that i win @ showdown too alot even if i play 95% from button. Also playing smart in position is the key.


This may be in your arsenal already and good for you. But if not, this might be the differencre of you being +-0bb/100 player to you being 10bb/100.

I'd like to also state the fact that I dont guarantee anyting, nor do I know if this is implicable to higher stakes. BUT I highly recommend to give it a try.

Thanks, questions please do, peace!
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 07:08 AM
why don´t you show your overall winnings with these diff opening sizes but only your nsd winnings? obv you increase FE by full potting it, and it certainly is a decent strategy if bb overfolds way too often vs full pot

tbh, i don´t think it makes much difference, but certainly not 10bb/100 for your overall winnings just by full potting unopened btns compared to 2.5xing them
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 07:29 AM
Originally Posted by sauhund
why don´t you show your overall winnings with these diff opening sizes but only your nsd winnings? obv you increase FE by full potting it, and it certainly is a decent strategy if bb overfolds way too often vs full pot

tbh, i don´t think it makes much difference, but certainly not 10bb/100 for your overall winnings just by full potting unopened btns compared to 2.5xing them

I'll post my overalls later when I get back to my computer.

And as for your thought... As I said in the post that showdown winnings are insignificant to prove this theory. Also the fact that playing towards showdown requires more and has alot more variables to take account.
Also he fact that 4k hands is really really small to be taking showdown wins to account.

As i said in the theory post. Position is solely why we win the most in the button. We dont win in showdown because we have position, we win from nonshowdown winnings the most. Thus making more from nonshow may be the way to grow bb/100.

Just my theory man

But yeah, you shall have dem pics!

Last edited by terzi123; 04-20-2015 at 07:36 AM. Reason: forgot to mention
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 08:11 AM
3.5bb open all winnings.

2.5bb open all winnings.

There you go.
I want to point out that this is how I make money. (non show from button)
If you play tight preflop you might even have significant showdown winnings on the button. But I consider tight buttoning almost dumb.

Also here we see that 1% of pots are big enough to count = too small smaple.
And 10% of pots go to showdown of wich i win my share too.
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 08:38 AM
how do you filter that? i´m not able to do it...
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 08:42 AM
I am not saying you are wrong. But your statistical evidence is useless with such small samples
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 08:47 AM
"Proof" is the wrong word entirely. "A small amount of corroborating evidence in favor of my pf bet-sizing theory" would serve the title better.

But this is hardly even evidence. A huge chunk of the difference between the red lines stems from a few outlier nsd wins that happened to occur after you opened 3.5x. You might as well have played a couple of 1k hand sessions on different days, observed that you crushed on Wednesday, and started a thread titled "(zomg, small proof of my) terzi123 = Wednesday end boss theory".
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 09:14 AM
Your guys' suspicions are very true. I'm suspicious too. But its accountable status, since the nonshow wins are not really that heaterable. All the big swings in curves come from showdown and we can also see that the nonshow lines are semi straigt, thus implicating that you dont really deviate from the realisation of your nonshowdown winnings.

Oh well.. anyways I think its a worthwhile experiment.
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
04-20-2015 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by sauhund
how do you filter that? i´m not able to do it...
More filters -> Bet size filters -> (uppermost) preflop made bet open raise size (field in mid) equal to/ greater than [define bb] -> click green + & ok. voila!

then ofc hero is BTN & nonshow but.. yeh.
(small proof of my) PF Bet Sizing theory Quote
