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***September Low Content Thread*** ***September Low Content Thread***

09-05-2010 , 07:14 PM
meh, no gamble no life

drug experimentation ftw
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Syous

An acquaintance of mine who is a neurologist (studies the brain) mentioned that he personally believes everyone should try shrooms at some point in their life. I've only smoked weed but thanks to the Internet and the resources of twoplustwo, I have been able to read about the shroom experience and have read about some experiences that have opened up people's minds to new experiences and new perspectives. Personally, after trying weed, I became a lot more open and honest with myself in reflecting on who I am and what I want out of life. I think anyone who chooses to miss out on drugs really is missing out. It's fun but more importantly, it's a learning experience. I think it's almost necessary to go through some kind of drug experience in order to really grow as a human being.
Psychedelics are like most other things in life, you are gonna get out of it what you put into it. You obviously went into the experience educated and use them in a responsible and productive manner. Having seen both the good and bad that can come from drugs I think that drugs in general(alcohol,psychedelics, etc) just simply need to be treated with an adequate level of respect, which is unfortunately never the case when people are poorly educated about the effects, experiences etc.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 08:00 PM
broseph321: roooooooooooooooope
broseph321: whats crappenin
Rebuy Roope: rly good
Rebuy Roope: was in madrid for weekend
broseph321: tight
Rebuy Roope: internet is raping me in a5s though, but its a new experience and im trying to take it as a positive & get the best out of it
Rebuy Roope: keep mind open and stuff

Last edited by Karls_Hungus; 09-05-2010 at 08:02 PM. Reason: idk who taught this man how to talk but i love it
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 08:08 PM
Rebuy Roope
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 08:22 PM
heh kyle, no I haven't done any psychedelics yet, that's the next step I'm planning. I just enjoy really high doses of thc.
"I think that drugs in general(alcohol,psychedelics, etc) just simply need to be treated with an adequate level of respect, which is unfortunately never the case when people are poorly educated about the effects, experiences etc."

Absolutely. It's all about education and having the information readily available. In the scenario that drugs are outlawed and talking about them is prohibited, drugs are always going to be considered a BAD thing. If our information source comes from a very small sample size of amateurs whose knowledge comes from using it, well, we're not really going to be very well informed are we? So when high schooler A says hey take heroin, it feels awesome and you only feel bad for a little while after it, clearly that has a bigger potential for danger than if society is more accepting about it and open about the pros and cons of the drug.

Just looking at the trends this thread and the other drug thread in The Lounge, they end up turning into a discussion about the pros and cons of drugs, which ones seem and may be completely harmless vs the ones that we really should stay away from (I don't think I've ever seen one post advocate even trying cocaine). Isn't that how it has always been throughout history?

~The discovery (oooh this makes me feel weird)
~The primal response (drugs are fun, durr hurr)
~The pursuit of knowledge (what exactly is this and why does it to me? Is it bad for me?)

It's a small sample size but so far what it shows is that when you have a group of people discussing their experiences and exchanging information about what they know or don't know, we get a clearer more well-informed picture of what we are dealing with.

Thank God for the Internet and its amazing ability to share information so fast as well as find articles or websites that have done research pertaining to what we are curious about.

This is the state of our time right now:

Just two examples of what came up when I entered "dmt" into the search engine. No real professional organization or website informing me of what I'm getting myself into. Better worded, no organization or company that I feel like I can TRUST if I were to be really serious about taking DMT. A website that has in its title "A Note from the Underground" is not the kind of website we want informing us of the pros and cons of taking this drug.


These are sites that I'd feel much safer reading and trusting for my information if I were to research what alcohol is and does before drinking.

These are ideal situations in which someone would act responsibly before using but at least the latter scenario has what look like to be legitimate organizations educating the general public should they want to be smart.

Where I'm going with all this is that I think it's really unfortunate that anyone who uses any drug has to be worried about being pinned a drug addict. We're still in an age (from an American perspective) where all this is kind of hushed and because of that, it has a bad stigma attached to it.

Alcohol had its run, that's probably why it is just looked as harmless despite having what seems to be worse physical effects on your body than marijuana and shrooms but do our schools teach this? Do groups like DARE and other anti-alcohol organizations educate us about this? No. They teach us to abstain, lol.

It cannot be denied that education is paramount. The fundamentalist stance does not and will not work ever. It's understandable to be quiet about drugs. I will never admit to my parents that I smoke pot nor will I talk about my stance on drugs at a party, social gathering, or whatnot unless the dynamic is appropriate. But it's not that drugs are bad, it's that there aren't many RELIABLE sources of information we can go to nor is it ever really discussed. Youtube and 2p2 have been my sources of information and from there it's up to me to TRY and make an educated decision on whether or not I want to try certain drugs.

Think about that for a second, it's a disturbing thought. My information should not come from those sites, my primary source of information SHOULD BE a .gov site. I should be able to trust my government to inform me about the decisions I'm going to make, not to get in my way, tell me "no they're bad," and arrest me for following my curiosity.

However, this is our climate and because of that, there are enough Mr.Mackeys wandering the world to make ourselves uncomfortable about using and talking about our experiences with drugs. It's unfortunate, it's ******ed, but with the help of the Internet and technology, the world does progress, information does spread, and slowly these foreign substances will not become so foreign and outlawed, but instead perhaps something interesting, something worth having a conversation about. Anyone who's done drugs here has probably contemplated the world, their existence relative to the world and to the universe.

I don't mean to get all hippie on everyone (I am far from being one) but we all indirectly fund government space projects to explore the universe, science projects that experiment to figure out our mind, and understand how we came to be, yet we aren't scientists and we are contemplating something so abstract, isn't that a step in the right direction?
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Karls_Hungus
broseph321: whats crappenin
Rebuy Roope: rly good

rly good!
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 11:55 PM
just to complicate things further, id like to declare that, while i do love a little bit of casual drug use, its very, very easy to become addicted (mentally if not physically) to a lot of them and when it comes to drugs like coke, weed, pills etc, a life without them is usually going to be much, much better than a life with.

changing the subject. anyone here seen 500 days of summer? opinions?
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-05-2010 , 11:59 PM
a cesspool that hipsters bathe in

Last edited by Doorbread; 09-06-2010 at 12:01 AM. Reason: though as a film it was charming
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 12:08 AM
i liked it

***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 12:38 AM
i mean, i enjoyed it, thought it was well-made and very well-acted, but i have never come away from a film wanting to stab a character as much as i did just now
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
just to complicate things further, id like to declare that, while i do love a little bit of casual drug use, its very, very easy to become addicted (mentally if not physically) to a lot of them and when it comes to drugs like coke, weed, pills etc, a life without them is usually going to be much, much better than a life with.

changing the subject. anyone here seen 500 days of summer? opinions?
my avatar is a screenshot of it.

It was one of those movies I didnt expect to like much and ended up becoming one of my favorite movies of all time. So yeh I recommend it.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 01:15 AM
yeh i really liked that bit
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 03:25 AM
so i was just on some free online dating site and found this fugly but freakish asian chick ( who has a link on her page to her personal website. started browsing around and saw some cute lingerie shots, began to get horny thinking about shipping her later this week ... then i saw a picture of her with some sort of penis near her mouth and began thinking she does homemade porn or something. obv starting to get more horny at this point so i keep clicking around and i see a picture of her sitting on her webcam bed with no clothes on ..... and a ****ing penis between her legs. akakdsf;jaksdfkafsd

edit; who here has tried online dating before and what do you guys think about it in general?
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 03:41 AM



is this forum coming to

don't get me wrong, i approve.

but wtf

***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 05:43 AM
Longshot, but I'm gonna sell 50% of myself in the PLO (320+265+215) for this week at 1.15. I think I'll play better if someone is sweating me with a lead pipe waiting for me on the rail. PM for info,etc. Will probably play regardless because I expect plo mtts to be softer than nlhe mtts.

Mods, delete if inappropriate, wasn't sure if this would work in MP because tourney starts in like 8 hours from this post.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
just to complicate things further, id like to declare that, while i do love a little bit of casual drug use, its very, very easy to become addicted (mentally if not physically) to a lot of them and when it comes to drugs like coke, weed, pills etc, a life without them is usually going to be much, much better than a life with.

changing the subject. anyone here seen 500 days of summer? opinions?
I think it was a decent watch.

And I cosign Roy. I love that the moderators are relaxed in here.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by DPred123
The X Factor

Why are they trolling the X Factor? My god man, stop this insanity before it begins!
That is classic stuff right there

Last edited by blopp; 09-06-2010 at 07:39 AM.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by spino1i
my avatar is a screenshot of it.

It was one of those movies I didnt expect to like much and ended up becoming one of my favorite movies of all time. So yeh I recommend it.
pretty much my exact same thoughts
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 10:19 AM
Anyone fancy a $20 last longer in the $320 PLO tonight? Just for s**ts and giggles?
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 10:26 AM
Just found the WCOOP thread, posted it in there.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by MalkasGambit
so i was just on some free online dating site and found this fugly but freakish asian chick ( who has a link on her page to her personal website. started browsing around and saw some cute lingerie shots, began to get horny thinking about shipping her later this week ... then i saw a picture of her with some sort of penis near her mouth and began thinking she does homemade porn or something. obv starting to get more horny at this point so i keep clicking around and i see a picture of her sitting on her webcam bed with no clothes on ..... and a ****ing penis between her legs. akakdsf;jaksdfkafsd

edit; who here has tried online dating before and what do you guys think about it in general?
LOL, A+ material.

Obviously, the key to restoring the moral fiber of the HSPLO community is steering the discussion from drugs to picking up trannies on the internet.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by MalkasGambit
so i was just on some free online dating site and found this fugly but freakish asian chick ( who has a link on her page to her personal website. started browsing around and saw some cute lingerie shots, began to get horny thinking about shipping her later this week ... then i saw a picture of her with some sort of penis near her mouth and began thinking she does homemade porn or something. obv starting to get more horny at this point so i keep clicking around and i see a picture of her sitting on her webcam bed with no clothes on ..... and a ****ing penis between her legs. akakdsf;jaksdfkafsd

edit; who here has tried online dating before and what do you guys think about it in general?
Spare us the suspense, did you guys hook up or not?
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 11:20 AM
Gordo, Stinky Pete, and Syous in for random survivor pool. m_reed and bananaballa you guys still want in? Anyone else? I say we try to get 10 people. $500 cool with everyone? Gordo want to be the escrow? Even if you've never watched the show, I think you should get in on this, it's a neutral ev sweat and the show has a lot of strategy to it and is very entertaining to watch.
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Gordo, Stinky Pete, and Syous in for random survivor pool. m_reed and bananaballa you guys still want in? Anyone else? I say we try to get 10 people. $500 cool with everyone? Gordo want to be the escrow? Even if you've never watched the show, I think you should get in on this, it's a neutral ev sweat and the show has a lot of strategy to it and is very entertaining to watch.
i am in for this and 500 sound good to me
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
09-06-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by MalkasGambit
so i was just on some free online dating site and found this fugly but freakish asian chick ( who has a link on her page to her personal website. started browsing around and saw some cute lingerie shots, began to get horny thinking about shipping her later this week ... then i saw a picture of her with some sort of penis near her mouth and began thinking she does homemade porn or something. obv starting to get more horny at this point so i keep clicking around and i see a picture of her sitting on her webcam bed with no clothes on ..... and a ****ing penis between her legs. akakdsf;jaksdfkafsd

edit; who here has tried online dating before and what do you guys think about it in general?

what a fantastic story

from what i've learned there's a right way to make your profile/send messages, etc. and a wrong way. it's pretty much like poker i guess where you gotta find a winning style before you can actually win consistently, because there are sooooo many dumb things you can do (like leaks!).
***September Low Content Thread*** Quote
