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*** September Low Content Thread *** *** September Low Content Thread ***

09-21-2011 , 11:13 AM
Plant a forest, every player with money on FTP can have a tree each...

Easy game.

[x] Own land, pull bitchez.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by gavz101
I dunno... I'm not that good at HU but really felt I could get edge on him because of some stuff I thought he was doing wrong but then last session he just drilled me totally.

Adi, I've a gf now so he'll have to be your wing-man obvs
This will only further a downswing.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by jhenderson723
no i meant it how i said it. like right now tom dwans stock is looking really good because he has made it clear he would pay if ftp fails. he comes off as the good guy which will help him w future sponsorships. you see what i am saying?
I mean I guess if the weren't intending to pay if ftp and stars didn't pay they would get a freeroll on looking like ballers / smart people who were so confident ftp/stars $ was safe that they could reverse freeroll themselves for a mega, but I don't really think it's that big of a deal. The fact they might have instilled faith with their guarantee and caused some non-US players to not cash out when they would have otherwise would kind of be a big deal if they weren't going to be pay, but even then I think there tweets probably had a fairly negligible effect, and perhaps even if they did cause some people to keep playing on the site, it could have prevented a run on the bank and allowed ftp to say afloat for a longer time and enable more cashouts for foreign players who really needed the $. But with the way they phrased it and their standing in the poker world, I agree with Roy there's no way out of them coughing up the $ if ftp players don't get $.

Originally Posted by grizy
I honestly think it would be a lot more productive to give that two million, even if I agreed they needed to pay up, to the PPA to get poker legislated and legalized in USA.

The alternative is a lot of big macs.
Completely agree, I think the best and most efficient use of the 2m would be to lobby for legalization and/or purchase some type of legal aid to attempt to get as much of the money returned that ftp owes.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by grizy
I honestly think it would be a lot more productive to give that two million, even if I agreed they needed to pay up, to the PPA to get poker legislated and legalized in USA.

The alternative is a lot of big macs.
Sounds good in theory but I don't think the PPA does a super job plus in the past they were largely funded by FTP and Stars, although I guess money could change which team they're on (probably not $2m though)
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 12:52 PM
What does the PPA actually do?
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by SeaKing
What does the PPA actually do?
Remember that gif I posted SeaKing?

I got that from their homepage...
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Stinger88
Sounds good in theory but I don't think the PPA does a super job plus in the past they were largely funded by FTP and Stars, although I guess money could change which team they're on (probably not $2m though)
I actually agree with the 2 million trees planted proposal.

Either way, I think it's more productive than trying to distribute 2 million dollars.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:31 PM
may as well donate to UNHCR or UNICEF then, f trees, they have no capacity to take up poker
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Zeestein
may as well donate to UNHCR or UNICEF then, f trees, they have no capacity to take up poker
No problems with me. Habitat for humanity or something.

Maybe something to do with animals, since they need protection and all.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by gavz101
I dunno... I'm not that good at HU but really felt I could get edge on him because of some stuff I thought he was doing wrong but then last session he just drilled me totally.

Adi, I've a gf now so he'll have to be your wing-man obvs
Guess poker won't be your only source of ups-and-downs.

*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by DrRunsick
Remember that gif I posted SeaKing?

I got that from their homepage...
Nice, still laughing from that one.
I feel like part of an elite group now for having seen that gif.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 02:56 PM
@durrrr. i really don't why people are hating him... hell, he is new in the company, what he should do? if he knew about the bad decisions, its obv he couldn't say to the world... if he said ''hey, ftp is doing bad things. its against laws, thats wrong'' do you think FTP owners would let durrrr alive? if durrrr make a billionaire business broke, do you really think durrrr would have a life? come on guys, IF he knew about it (which i doubt), he couldn't say!! thats pretty obv... i am tilting reading people saying bad things about durrrr while nobody say about ivey... ivey is one o the owners, its wth ft a looong time, while durrrr is NOT owner and its very new there...

wtf happenning w/ this people? durrrr made his job, he did nothing against rules. he should NEVER EVER pay this 1million or w/e full tilt paid to him. you guys thinking ''durrrr life is sooo easy, he do nothing and receive millions from ftp''. you really think he did ''nothing'' to receive this from ftp? he did lots of things, hard work, plus he waste tons of time doing everything from photos to ftp marketing, from important meets etc etc.

btw, if he pays 1million, won't make any diference to anyone. if you had 100k at ftp, you would receive ~$300. LOL if you receive this money, what do you will think? honeslty id think ''fuuuuuuuuuu put this 300hundred in your ****** ass !!! i want 100k, not 3hundred you *****!"

about galfond, people are saying ''he has to pay because its his words. he need do what he says''. as someone said above, he did it w/ good intentions. ok, it was kinda dumb, but he made it to make poker players sleep better, to make people calm down while everyone was thnking about jump off bridge. it was like ''hey, relax. it won't go broke. you can sleep well.'' now people saying he has to pay 1million lol... this people saying this things is stupid, because even if you had 100k on ftp won't make any difrence to you.

Last edited by urubu111; 09-21-2011 at 03:05 PM.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
btw, if he pays 1million, won't make any diference to anyone. if you had 100k at ftp, you would receive ~$300. LOL if you receive this money, what do you will think? honeslty id think ''fuuuuuuuuuu put this 300hundred in your ****** ass !!! i want 100k, not 3hundred you *****!"
LOL! amazing urubu.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 05:00 PM
tcorbin, do you mind say how much you have locked at ftp?
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 05:04 PM
Those were pretty much my thoughts initially urubu. But they did make the promise knowing full well they would take a lot of crap if the sites didn't pay and they went back on their word, so I mean really they only have themselves to blame. I guess they thought there was a <1% and were willing to take the <10k ev loss to calm people down and look like ballers in the know even though they were reverse freerolling for a lot of money.

I agree with urubu that personally I think they should be let off the hook, but I think they've unfortunately put themselves in a very bad situation by being uninformed about the actual state of ftp when they made their guarantee.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 05:15 PM
Btw, if I knew about the FTP situation but wanted to look innocent... offering a 1 million dollar guarantee would be one of the best and possibly cheapest way to do it.

PS: I don't actually think this is the case here.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 05:17 PM
Urubu - who exactly are you referring to when you say people hating on durr? The way I see it there has been nothing short of an unanimous blanket of utmost respect and admiration of him both in this thread and others.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111

btw, if he pays 1million, won't make any diference to anyone. if you had 100k at ftp, you would receive ~$300. LOL if you receive this money, what do you will think? honeslty id think ''fuuuuuuuuuu put this 300hundred in your ****** ass !!! i want 100k, not 3hundred you *****!"


+1 those payouts looks like mockery imo
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 06:22 PM
Here's my 5 cents - wrote something earlier but deleted it.

I am one of the euros who didn't take their money out of FT when I had the chance. I didn't do this for a variety of reasons. I am sure Dwan+Galfond's words meant something wrt this, but I dont remember how much.
I also think, that their motivations went deeper than "looking balla": they had a real monetary incentive to keep players from panicking and avoid having a "run on the bank"-FTP-thing. At that time it seemed like FT would be fine in the long run (like Pokerstars), but if people panicked and withdrew their money, it is plausible that they would have problems/bankrupt. Dwan+Galfond were supposedly some of the people with most invested in the site (bankroll-wise) and as such, they had a direct interest (and extra incentive) in this not happening to FTP. At this time and to their knowledge, the biggest danger to their FTP-bankrolls were probably a bank run, and if they could prevent this with their promise, they might have seen this as a +EV bet (probably also for the poker community as a whole and not just for themselves).

I think the above is the most likely reason why Dwan+Galfond chose to guarantee the money. This was also my first thought when I first saw the tweet. I.e. I agreed with their assessment: as long as we avoid a bank run, the money will probably be safe.
With that being said, I don't think these guys are obliged, or even ought to, pay anything. They seem like good guys and although their statements could have been made for their own personal good - maximizing their own EV - I also believe they saw this as the best for every other (American?) poker player. Furthermore, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and making their own decisions...just because they were offering me some assurance back then doesn't mean it wasn't my own decision to keep the money on FT.

Everyone is grown up and are as such responsible for their bankrolls. There's always a risk by having your money tied up in a company (even banks - recent events have shown that). Stating something on a social network site is not legally binding. 2M would not make a difference. Given this, I don't think these guys should pay anything to anyone.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by acehole60
Dwan+Galfond were supposedly some of the people with most invested in the site (bankroll-wise)
Don't know about Galfond, but Durrr has said he busted his ftp account just before bf and had nothing in it.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Don't know about Galfond, but Durrr has said he busted his ftp account just before bf and had nothing in it.
I did not know this. But given he was making 1M+ a year from FT, I think the point is still valid.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 06:53 PM
they both said they would pay... so they should. case closed. no?
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 06:55 PM
gotta pay.. i look forward to my tree-fiddy cash payment
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by acehole60
I did not know this. But given he was making 1M+ a year from FT, I think the point is still valid.
I heard/read that he only made a smidgen over 1M lifetime from FTP, not 1m+/year. Not that it makes a huge difference I guess.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
09-21-2011 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by Roy
I heard/read that he only made a smidgen over 1M lifetime from FTP, not 1m+/year. Not that it makes a huge difference I guess.
he said endorsement so far over 20 months he's gotten over 1mm. Of course there are a ton of other non straight $$ things that being an ftp pro has gotten him, but the gesture of giving that money back is enough.

As for galfond and durrr paying the monies, open mouth insert foot imo. Every time you hear durrr talk about some type of prop or bet or just about anything he always puts some type of disclaimer or odds or something to show he's not 100%. So when he says x, unf he's gotta stick with it. Reminds me of the dean/ukpartygirl freeroll when he said something about doing ambien and playing poker freeroll and he posts about it then says he's not gonna pay out because thats ridic to pay out on something like that.
*** September Low Content Thread *** Quote
