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Semi bluff on turn Semi bluff on turn

11-16-2008 , 10:29 PM

Can't get converter to work so have to use this thing...

Villain in this hand seems like a standard fairly competent tight-aggro player (23/13/5).

On the flop I didn't really want to have to get it all in this deep when my flush draw could easily be dominated so I just called in position. On the turn he hesitated for a long while before putting out a decidedly dodgy $31 bet, which I had never seen him do before. My immediate read was that he would have potted it with the straight.

Results aside does anyone have any issues with this play, on any street?
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-16-2008 , 10:56 PM
this is so player dependent
how has the game being played? is villain a lucky donk or competent?
for the turn he is probably folding if he didnt have the flush draw as well. stacking off there is certainly light but maybe he read you as a semi bluff with say NFD, which he could quite easily put you on.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 02:40 AM
I don't mind the play.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 04:42 AM
Your hand is weak, and your FD could be useless, particularly since villian led out the flop.

The couple of things I wish to ask is whether you are commiting yourself to two barrells, if you miss. Also would you bet the flush on the river if your c/r got called?

Why did you not raise the flop with a tonne of players left to act behind you, and why did you wake up on the turn.

Not to mention you are very capable of doing this which makes it a light stackoff for anyone who has observed you. You represent a very narrow range, but you'll mokey around much wider.

Quite hoestly I dont see what you fold out. Probably the bottom of his rage, but it seems you didnt even manage to do that. Something to consider!!

The stack sizes on the turn make this a very expensive adventure, but I will concede that this is a good mix-up play, but you shouldnt expect it to be very profitable(in itself). However, the meta can be very powerful.

Last edited by uphigh_downlow; 11-17-2008 at 04:49 AM.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 05:42 AM
wow, quite a soulread. i dont know about this play though, because although id make it also probably, i would more often regret it than not. the thing is, when villain hesitates and makes an idiot bet like he did, he knows that. and because you were probably active at your table, he is aware that you will pounce on weakness, so he was probably thinking well i probably have outs and jams. if he wasnt aware of that, he is probably mentally challenged and you shouldnt make him fold anyway.

also, your line is pretty inconsistent because the only thing you rep is turned straight. and that hand is pretty rarely in your hand because it completed the gutshot draws (or superstrong rundowns, which you would probably push on the flop anyway). also, how are you running and WHY DIDNDT YOU CONTACT ME GAVZ?!?! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 08:32 AM
I don't like since:

1. I think semi-bl8uffing is bad, when there is a current nuts out there.

2. Semi-bluffing is bad, when the villains line is strong.

3. Your line looks wierd.

4. Also if you put opponent on a realistic range, not all your outs are live if called.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by uphigh_downlow
The couple of things I wish to ask is whether you are commiting yourself to two barrells, if you miss. Also would you bet the flush on the river if your c/r got called?

Why did you not raise the flop with a tonne of players left to act behind you, and why did you wake up on the turn.

The stack sizes on the turn make this a very expensive adventure, but I will concede that this is a good mix-up play, but you shouldnt expect it to be very profitable(in itself). However, the meta can be very powerful.
I only have $70 left on the river so no I would not be firing two barrels. It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing as I felt he was weak and would fold all his two pair hands (w/out FD) and bottom set.... maybe 888 but prob not. And yes I would be putting my money in if I hit the flush on the river but hating it if I got called.

My hand could easily be dominated, there are two people left to act and I am quite deep so I don't think raising the flop is a good idea. I woke up on the turn because he looked weak.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:03 AM
Representing the gutter nut is a great time to use a semibluff.. con_leche doesnt know what's he talking about.

That being said.. ******s always look u up with the flush draw so this play is actually better when it's a dry board and u have a wrap then u semibluff it into the river repping a made gutter.. basically take the diamonds off the board and out of your hand and i guarantee he folds.

I've been looked up so many times making this move by idiots with flush draws that i actually do this with low sets. It's great and works like a charm.

Check-raise bluff all in on river is a better move in this situation. It makes people stop and think and they will convince themselves u really have the gutter or w/e. If he's just not going to value bet at all on river then u cant bluff him, so don't try.

You have to learn all these techniques if you are going to be a real good player. Getting stacked at these chump stakes while u learn is a good place to do it.

Last edited by kingpokar; 11-17-2008 at 09:27 AM.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kinbor
wow, quite a soulread. i dont know about this play though, because although id make it also probably, i would more often regret it than not. the thing is, when villain hesitates and makes an idiot bet like he did, he knows that. and because you were probably active at your table, he is aware that you will pounce on weakness, so he was probably thinking well i probably have outs and jams. if he wasnt aware of that, he is probably mentally challenged and you shouldnt make him fold anyway.

also, your line is pretty inconsistent because the only thing you rep is turned straight. and that hand is pretty rarely in your hand because it completed the gutshot draws (or superstrong rundowns, which you would probably push on the flop anyway). also, how are you running and WHY DIDNDT YOU CONTACT ME GAVZ?!?! I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING
The more I think about it, the more I think villain might well have made that bet to induce me to raise but that could be reading too far in to the situation.

Meh... I'm not really 100% sure its terribly bad or terribly good. Just meh! It's good if I hit and then he goes bang on tilt and spews off the rest of his stack I suppose. I just hate to call... lol

As for..... US.
I'm still holding a grudge because I've lost the most to you out of anyone else in my database by almost a factor of two! You were partly responsible for my failed move up attempt at PLO200 u git!
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by kingpokar
Representing the gutter nut is a great time to use a semibluff.. con_leche doesnt know what's he talking about.

That being said.. ******s always look u up with the flush draw so this play is actually better when it's a dry board and u have a wrap then u semibluff it into the river repping a made gutter.. basically take the diamonds off the board and out of your hand and i guarantee he folds.

I've been looked up so many times making this move by idiots with flush draws that i actually do this with low sets. It's great and works like a charm.

On this board, i would just call then use a big check-raise river bluff to get him to fold if your hand doesnt hit. If no diamond hits, u can convince him that u really have the nut gut. If a diamond hits, just play for 1 bet on river (check/call or bet/call). ******s never call rivers without a near-nut but they will call off their whole stack thinking 'i got outs'. Even if its 10 outs with 1 to come.

You have to learn all these techniques if you are going to be a real good player. Getting stacked at these chump stakes while u learn is a good place to do it.

This post came across very condescending. Furthermore, i didn't find any of the information useful.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:31 AM
lol i know what a joker
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:33 AM
20 likely outs + fold equity + meta= OBV shove.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by con_leche
I don't like since:

1. I think semi-bl8uffing is bad, when there is a current nuts out there.

2. Semi-bluffing is bad, when the villains line is strong.

3. Your line looks wierd.

4. Also if you put opponent on a realistic range, not all your outs are live if called.
1. Give us an expample of a board where there is not "a current nuts out there."

2. Not if there are hands he would take a "strong line" with that he would be forced to fold to our push, which in this case im sure there are.

3. Not sure what's so weird about it, we called the flop, which I'm sure we would often do with a straight draw, then mashed the turn when it got there, which I'm also sure we would do with straight.

4. We can get called here lots and have ALL of our outs be live, other times we can get called and have most of our outs be live(barring a diamond that pairs the board). It would be very unlikely that villan could call with a draw that dominates ours because he would need BOTH bigger diamonds and 2 pr. or better IMO.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by gavz101
I only have $70 left on the river so no I would not be firing two barrels. It was a bit of a spur of the moment thing as I felt he was weak and would fold all his two pair hands (w/out FD) and bottom set.... maybe 888 but prob not. And yes I would be putting my money in if I hit the flush on the river but hating it if I got called.

My hand could easily be dominated, there are two people left to act and I am quite deep so I don't think raising the flop is a good idea. I woke up on the turn because he looked weak.
I'm not very happy with a single barrel, as it might not get the desired results.

Would you also call a river shove on a diamond?

My second question was rhetorical. In answering it however, you have explained why your line is weak, and you rep a very narrow range.

Also its not very unlikely that villian was inducing to improve the performace of his line against your rage. I know I would do this against you and ibetufold occasionally. I do have to say however that most of my range would be the nuts/sets. This guy has done one better. So either he is on a WHOLE level above you or one below, and you got levelled.

Last edited by uphigh_downlow; 11-17-2008 at 11:50 AM.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 11:40 AM
I like it against TAGs, but this is where I lose money against fish =)
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 05:16 PM
20 likely outs + fold equity + meta= OBV shove.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 05:36 PM
I agree with milkywayKid, this is very player dependent but I think a huge chunk of the tags at .5/1 are never leading this turn card with the intention of folding to a reraise.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 05:50 PM
I would snap raise the flop in hopes that bare higher flush draws fold.

I would just flat the turn as played, our hand is much weaker on the turn, he isn't folding straights or sets or combo draws, and he doesn't have anything else, and not many combos of 97xx in our UTG raising range etc.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 06:12 PM
Whats wrong with a fold on the flop?

Your flush outs could easily be dominated so i wouldnt consider those.

Your having to pay something like 33% of the pot when its your turn to act to get to the turn and you have 3 straight outs.

I would think this would be greatly played if we hit the set on the flop and then draw to the straight??

edit: hit set draw to flush not straight...

Last edited by two2brains; 11-17-2008 at 06:14 PM. Reason: edit:
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:07 PM
folding the flop is not great
Semi bluff on turn Quote
11-17-2008 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by Scary_Tiger
I would snap raise the flop in hopes that bare higher flush draws fold.

I would just flat the turn as played, our hand is much weaker on the turn, he isn't folding straights or sets or combo draws, and he doesn't have anything else, and not many combos of 97xx in our UTG raising range etc.
snap-raise 200BB deep? 100BB deep definitely but 200BB deep seems spew... You could well be right though.
Semi bluff on turn Quote
