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Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel)

05-26-2015 , 09:16 AM
Hi guys,

does anyone has the Leak Buster PLO Hand Chart as EXCEL-Version?

Or does anyone have other Hand-Chart stuff to share?

I have also a question related to hand charts: Is there any tool that can do following: I put in a hand, and the tool tells me which %-rank this hand has.

Somethink like AsKsJh10h is top 5,27%... I think you understand what i mean.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-26-2015 , 10:09 AM
I don't know about the Leak Buster hand chart, but ranking a hand is easy and free.

Just go to this link:

Choose "Omaha Hi" as the game, type the hand (you should use T and not "10") and click the "rank" button.

You'll get a couple of different results, the "6-handed iterative" is the relevant result for for 6max play and the one that we use around here.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-26-2015 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Ph33roX
I don't know about the Leak Buster hand chart, but ranking a hand is easy and free.

Just go to this link:

Choose "Omaha Hi" as the game, type the hand (you should use T and not "10") and click the "rank" button.

You'll get a couple of different results, the "6-handed iterative" is the relevant result for for 6max play and the one that we use around here.
Thx a lot man. I only used odds oracle on my pc before to check hand vs. hand or range vs. range stats. Don`t know why i missed that part studying before. Maybe it´s because i like it the hard way: learning by loosing or not winning enough. ;-)
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-26-2015 , 11:54 AM
Do you have the desktop version or are you using the online version only?
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-26-2015 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Ph33roX
Do you have the desktop version or are you using the online version only?
I have OddsOracle as a desktopversion. I just tried to play around with some numbers.

ProPokerTools has this handranking of the most profitable hands (6max plo) and i had a short look at that list.

When i get it right, then we have in this list 16432 diffrent hands in total. I had a look at the top 5% of this list and got following information:

34% are double-suited
55% are single-suited
10% are rainbow

53% contain AA
20% contain exactly one A
27% contain no A

These numbers aren`t really correct because i didn`t consider in my calculations that some of the hands in the ranking have more permutations than others in this top5% list. For example AA66 has less permutations than AJQ9. Don`t know how to solve this adhoc. Ad the moment i have only quotations like AJQLss AJQLoff AJQLdouble.

I even don`t know what i am doin at the moment. Maybe too tired...
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-26-2015 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Controlling
Hi guys,

does anyone has the Leak Buster PLO Hand Chart as EXCEL-Version?

Or does anyone have other Hand-Chart stuff to share?

I have also a question related to hand charts: Is there any tool that can do following: I put in a hand, and the tool tells me which %-rank this hand has.

Somethink like AsKsJh10h is top 5,27%... I think you understand what i mean.

Can find 6max Omaha Hand ordering (16432) at the link below:

You can then transfer that txt into excel, few formulas to break it down into % and use find function to locate hands.

Alternatively if that's too much effort pm me an i can email you a spreadsheet I've already knocked up in the morning.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using 2+2 Forums
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-26-2015 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Yumbula

Can find 6max Omaha Hand ordering (16432) at the link below:

You can then transfer that txt into excel, few formulas to break it down into % and use find function to locate hands.

Alternatively if that's too much effort pm me an i can email you a spreadsheet I've already knocked up in the morning.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using 2+2 Forums
This list i was reffering to and this i based the number for the top 5% hands.

I recognized something that was strange: How is it possible that in this list a hand like ATKK is higher listed than AA44 ? When you run OddsOracle and these both hand vs. hand you get equity of 69% for the mentioned AA hand. But when you play each hand against 5 opponents with an range of 100%, then the ATKKss is becoming favourite over the AA44rb. I think this is what the list is based on.

Because of this circumstances this list has to be used carefully imo. E.g. AA44 plays against 2 opponents with a range of 40% still better than ATKK.

The list is nice and interesting, but based on circumstances you won`t find on the real tables. Or Anyone here who wouldn`t usually prefer to hold AA44 compared to ATKK. Do i get it wrong or do i miss something?
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-28-2015 , 12:15 AM
I would actually prefer the ATKK hand over the AA44 hand. AA44 is just a pure hot/cold equity hand and you're not ever really getting that all in preflop very often in a game. ATKK has much better playability post flop and does just fine in 3 bet/4bet situations.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-28-2015 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by Zefa
I would actually prefer the ATKK hand over the AA44 hand. AA44 is just a pure hot/cold equity hand and you're not ever really getting that all in preflop very often in a game. ATKK has much better playability post flop and does just fine in 3 bet/4bet situations.
there is no no need to get it allin pre. for example if you get 50% in pre it is more than enough to continue almost on every flop. if you play always deep that can be an issue. If you play small stacks its often no problem at all to get get a high % in. i don`t think that anyone makes more bb/100 with akkt compared to aa44 over a large handsample on the real tables.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-28-2015 , 12:35 PM
AA44o suffers a significant amount more on post flop playability than AKKTss does. You're going to be put into a lot more difficult spots where you can't continue with that hand causing you to make some incorrect plays.

The majority of the time you play either of these hands, you're not going to be put in a situation where you have put a significant portion of your stack in pre to allow for unexploitable flop play.

Sure AA44o > AKKTss in a short buy in game, but 100bb+, i'll take AKKTss all day long.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-29-2015 , 09:23 AM
PM your email address.

I have an excel spreadsheet with all 16432 hand combinations ranked by percentile.

1-50% it goes by each percentage point. 1, 2, 3...50
50-100% it goes by 5 percentage points. 50, 55, 60...100
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-29-2015 , 09:25 AM
Why you split the second half of the sample into 5% increments?

Just curious.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-29-2015 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Yumbula
Why you split the second half of the sample into 5% increments?

Just curious.
Because 100 individual columns seemed excessive and 50% seemed high enough to look at each percentile.

If someone wants to break it down by percentage point for 50+, its not that difficult.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-30-2015 , 05:37 PM
PokerJuice also has pretty decent preflop ranges if you are interested, so you could use OddsOracle to see if a hand is in this range.
The ranges probably are more realistic/ have better playability than the ones that are purely based on equities.

Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
01-09-2016 , 02:16 AM

Could you PM me your email please? I'd really like to get your spreadsheet of hand equities. However I'm also a new member so I'm not allowed to PM people yet. Thank you!
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
01-09-2016 , 03:51 AM
Hi Deep - drop me a pm if Dingnus doesn't come back to you, if you search my "threads started" you'll see a thread called "do you even plo" or something stupid like that and it walks you through how to build a PLO data table in excel with vba macros.

If you get stuck at any point, drop me a line, i'm feeling generous regarding sharing some strategy as it seems like online poker is about to prominently die in 2016.

I'm not up to speed with pokerjuice or differences between my data table and that.

Regards, Tops
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-04-2019 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by DingusEgg
PM your email address.

I have an excel spreadsheet with all 16432 hand combinations ranked by percentile.

1-50% it goes by each percentage point. 1, 2, 3...50
50-100% it goes by 5 percentage points. 50, 55, 60...100
My email is:

Can you send me this excel chart too.

Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
05-05-2019 , 05:47 AM
You bumped a 3 year old thread. DingusEgg is still around, but has not posted in over 2 months. Try a PM, he might still check for messages from time to time.
Searching for PLO Hand Chart (Excel) Quote
