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ROL or check? ROL or check?

03-09-2016 , 06:18 AM
[converted_hand][hand_history]Poker Stars, $0.10/$0.25, $0.05 ante Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.

SB: $28.23 (112.9 bb)
Hero (BB): $42.22 (168.9 bb)
UTG: $38.79 (155.2 bb)
MP: $27.07 (108.3 bb)
CO: $23.89 (95.6 bb)
BTN: $99.01 (396 bb)

Preflop: Hero is BB with 6 8 A 7
UTG calls $0.25, MP calls $0.25, CO calls $0.25, BTN folds, SB completes, Hero ?

ROL or just check here?
ROL or check? Quote
03-09-2016 , 07:13 AM
You're not pushing an equity edge here and I doubt you have any fold equity so probably just check here.
ROL or check? Quote
03-09-2016 , 09:46 AM
i vote check too but we're probably getting close to a raise. Something like AJT8ds would be a clear cut value raise and some slightly worse hands too.
ROL or check? Quote
03-09-2016 , 02:41 PM
AT98s would coordinate better, and A987s leaves more room below. But six is still a holy number and it has two older brothers/sisters with that mighty suited ace. I don't know if it matters that the ace is suited to 7, to middle brother, but it could bring luck. If you are scared, you can check. But it would not be as heroic. Maybe a small raise, to build the pot and send a message? You could check A8s, and A6s.
ROL or check? Quote
03-09-2016 , 03:21 PM
Don't see much wrong with either checking or bloating to some half pot amount, checking in vacuum is prudent
ROL or check? Quote
03-09-2016 , 08:09 PM
Looks like a check to me, for reasons I tried to put in words but didn't manage to make a whole lot of sense out of in writing

Basically: pot can grow fast postflop anyway in limped multiway ante pot. Hand doesnt have strongest "raw equity" pre but nice nut-factor when money starts being piled in. Stacks not deep for an ante table so SPR would very quickly get low if we jam it up pre.
ROL or check? Quote
03-12-2016 , 12:47 AM
AAKK with TWO NUT SUITED WOULD different story men;
ROL or check? Quote
03-12-2016 , 08:54 PM
See no reason to bloat the pot OOP, if you are confident you may have fold equity then I may like a raise more but as standard I check, donk value heavy flops.
ROL or check? Quote
