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Rainbow connectors... Rainbow connectors...

01-07-2012 , 12:29 PM
Pre Flop: Do you play hands such as 7543 rainbow aggressively?
Rainbow connectors... Quote
01-07-2012 , 01:30 PM
I personally play JT98, 9876, 8765+ from the button.

But if your playing tag/nitty then 9876r+ should be the very very bottom of your button opening range.

Anything lower then that and you'll end up pfr OTB >50%.
Rainbow connectors... Quote
01-07-2012 , 01:34 PM
In general it is a bad idea to raise a rundown that is lower than 8, nevermind if there is a gap at top... of course there are variables deviating from the mean which offer positive opportune to raise. Mainly depending on alot of passivity in opponents game and strong relative position.
Rainbow connectors... Quote
01-07-2012 , 01:54 PM
pot it imo
Rainbow connectors... Quote
01-07-2012 , 03:59 PM
3457 looks ugly unless you have enough beer in you.
3567 doesn't need as much beer.

Here's why. if you make a straight with 3457 it will most likely need a 6 in it. You will almost never have the nut straight. Unless you hit exactly A,2,3 or 3,4,6. With 3567 you can make a nut straight with a 4 and several other combinations. When playing these low rundowns be careful. You will very often have the low end of a straight and be dominated. The best situation you can hope for is to hit the nut straight using a flopped A, When a villain hits a set of AAA.
Rainbow connectors... Quote
01-07-2012 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyDiaper11
Pre Flop: Do you play hands such as 7543 rainbow aggressively?
depends on the table/action can you isolate HU ? do you have pos ?

bad gapper rundowns even rainbow are not very strong hands. and have very high reverse implied odds in mw pots.

@pokertxs is a true gamblor
Rainbow connectors... Quote
01-08-2012 , 12:33 AM
No, because anyone who has the 7543 double suited has you bang to rights, haha.

Seriously though it's pretty trashy. Decent pot-building hands come around often enough, have a little more patience. Also, good rundowns (ie not this one) have good equity multi-way, it's kinda silly to play them too strong and end up heads up for no particular reason (say unless your opponent is super weak post-flop.)

Still I prob just muck this nonsense pre-flop.
Rainbow connectors... Quote
