Quality of draw vs equity
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 4
Hi, what could be the best betting decision in situations in which your equity is greater than the pot odds, but you are neither drawing to nuts nor having quality draws? Would you still give a shot since your equity is greater than odds? Or back off and fold thoroughly relying on the quality of your draw? Sorry that i cant provide a great example but i really want to hear what other players think.
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 2,503
Not sure how you are determining your equity. Your equity is basically the percentage of the pot that you "own" as figured by the probability that you will win the hand. If your equity suggests a call, then it suggests a call. But you are calculating your equity simply by the number of outs to make your hand, you need to discount these outs if they aren't nut outs. With a bottom straight draw and low flush draw you certainly have a lot of outs to make your hand. But that doesn't mean you necessarily have those outs to win the pot. You have to proceed pretty cautiously. If you make your hand and someone wants to bet or raise pot you are probably beaten. So - do you really want to draw at a hand that is very possibly a loser?