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Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes

06-10-2010 , 06:31 PM
Would anyone be interested in discussing 3betting in Cap/shallow games on FTP? 40BB stacks are getting more and more common, and I'd love to know how people adjust in general against different villain types. I don't want to hijack, so I can make a new thread too...
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-11-2010 , 09:00 AM
why is repping AAxx so great? on most flops thats a really weak hand and any one-pair hand with live kickers is a favourite. i only play HU but a lot of opponents will ship any flop where they hit a pair when they think you have AAxx.

i think i get more value from other premium hands i 3bet, because my opponents put me on AAxx and stack of much too light a lot of the time. will check it in HEM when i get to it.

i suppose its very different in non-headsup games though.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-11-2010 , 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by styx2000
why is repping AAxx so great? a lot of opponents will ship any flop where they hit a pair when they think you have AAxx.
That's a great reason to rep AAxx, you can take the pot down if they miss, & you can win a big pot with a disguised hand if they are happy shipping any pair plus 3 live cards.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-28-2012 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Dirdal
*We're always raising aces preflop if we can get 33% or more of our stack in. And we're always pushing the flop because it can't be exploited.
*Getting 4bet by aces isn't a problem if you 3bet the hands that flop good on most flops.
I'm new to PLO but don't these two points contradict each other? Plus if you're going to always get 33% of stack pre, and shove on flop then you're giving your opponent 3 to 1 to out flop you. Seems like villain is getting really good odds.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-28-2012 , 03:43 AM
This might seem counter intuitive, but for any new player try not 3 betting for a while.

I did this as an experiment a few months back. And in a funny way I learned more about when and why you should 3 bet from it. It wasn't my intention but thats what happened.

I can't explain it, as I'm not great at writing about poker but if you pay attention in game and don't play too many tables it will help.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-28-2012 , 04:15 AM
I think at the low stakes just 3betting double suited AA and KK is a good option. Hands like KQJTds play sooo good multiway so you don´t want to fold out players preflop, especially bad players, but it´s never wrong to 3bet those, you could go either way. Hands like 5689ds are good to 3bet if you can get the pot HU but that´s not often the case on low stakes.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-28-2012 , 06:08 AM
^ So double suited AA and KK play poorly multiway?

And KQJTds plays poorly HU? and anyways you said that you never get it HU , so wouldn't you 3b that and bloat the pot multiway?
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-28-2012 , 07:35 AM
Double suited AA and KK play really good multiway in 3bet pots because when you hit a flushdraw you can get stacks in with good equity.

KQJTds plays really good both HU and multiway. Well, you want as much players in the pot as possible with this hand. So if you think the blinds are going to call, fine 3bet then, but I would call otherwise.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
06-28-2012 , 08:35 AM
Don't 3bet often in PLO if your hand-reading skills aren't great.

Recently, I thought I was getting crushed in 3bet pots but did some hand history reviews and saw that I was the one crushing in those spots as the 3bettor or the caller. I then started to widen my 3bet range because what I saw at micro levels was 3betting in position is extremely profitable if you have a decent post flop game. Hand reading skills are critical if you want to 3bet more and I think players at the micros pretty much play their hands face up.
Pros and Cons of 3betting pre on low stakes Quote
