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PROP BET: 500k hands in 45days at midstakes PROP BET: 500k hands in 45days at midstakes

05-10-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Masq
That's up to them to work out the stipulations of their bet in that event.

The bet is 500k hands + profit in 45 days. If that isn't completed then it's a loss. It's going to have to be a very black & white thing if you don't work out this stuff prior to agreeing to bet. (in my opinion of course)
what if bettors offers a buy out and i acept ?

i think its more fair that all side bets just be like the original bet. if i lose 100%, side bet win/lose 100%. if i buy out for 30%, side bet lose/win 30%. if i buy out being huge favorite and buy out for 150%, side bets win/lose 150%.

or if i buy out being huge favorite, win money, people who bet on me lose ? lol ? or they win 100% ?
05-10-2014 , 02:08 PM
It's up to whatever arrangements the sidebetters have decided of course. Syous said he commented already on this.

But let's say you're massively ahead in terms of profit and hands - are you really going to accept a buy out and give up the extra % you gain from completing bet? There's obviously a crossover point where it becomes worthwhile given the risk, but bettors are unlikely to accept a buyout if it's really close in terms of profit.
05-10-2014 , 02:14 PM
You're not a participant in the side bets urubu. They can negotiate whatever they want between them but it has nothing to do with you. And vice versa.
05-10-2014 , 02:19 PM
If Urubu does not finish the bet, 500k hands, 45 days, up money the bet is lost. It would be a giant freeroll for the side bettors on Urubu otherwise.
05-10-2014 , 02:24 PM
05-10-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by urubu111
ooooo vamo vira mengooooo ooooo vamo viraaaaa mengoooooooooo

vamooooooooo urubuuuuuuuuu porraaaaaaa
05-10-2014 , 03:06 PM
idk before the bet I didn't know about the buy out stuff

@kromt: I see it absolutely on the opposite side. If urubu is buying out then it's a massive freeroll for the betters against urubu.
05-10-2014 , 03:33 PM
I think the bet should be cancelled if urubu agrees to a buy out from bettors.. In my mind that means he ''wins'' the bet, but I don´t belive it´s fair that I should win my bet against krmont if urubu doesn´t finish the 500k hands, but I don´t think it´s fair that I loose the bet eighter if urubu decides to accept a buy out when he´s super close to finish.
05-10-2014 , 03:42 PM
With multiple bettors isn't it super tough to negotiate a buyout? If you had the smallest bet why would you ever agree to the buyout?
05-10-2014 , 03:44 PM
Surprised there is still a side bet market after the whole jungleman/durr debacle.
05-10-2014 , 03:56 PM
i expect a lot in a spot like this, but holy smokes, how can you think the side action is anything but as specifiied in OP.

buying out is an obv loss being he doesnt complete the bet? otherwise freeeeeroll cityyyyyyy.
05-10-2014 , 04:05 PM
everything just fked up and its shady now
05-10-2014 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Papicoolo
idk before the bet I didn't know about the buy out stuff

@kromt: I see it absolutely on the opposite side. If urubu is buying out then it's a massive freeroll for the betters against urubu.
you really thought youd get 4 to 1 odd he finish the bet but if he buys out you get your money back? that would be crazy
05-10-2014 , 04:21 PM
Yeah, I mean...What happens if he buys out with some bettors and forfeits to the others...?

There's definitely no way side bets ever become void if urubu just buys out. What's to stop urubu getting his friends to book a bunch of side action on his behalf against krmont or anyone else and freerolling them completely by getting more action at 3.5 and 4 to 1 with no downside basically
05-10-2014 , 04:29 PM
Just to be clear: for me sidebets are not affected by buy-outs.

So, two scenarios:

A) Urubu finishes the challenge --> people who bet on him win

B) Urubu doesn't finish the challenge (loss / too few hands / buyout / giving up) --> people who bet against him win

People who have made sidebets can make each other buyout offers (independent of urubu) but cannot be forced to dragged along with the bets made by other people
05-10-2014 , 04:31 PM
two sick points

Last edited by shipit2kg; 05-10-2014 at 04:31 PM. Reason: referencing shipitfma
05-10-2014 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by rubenrtv
Just to be clear: for me sidebets are not affected by buy-outs.

So, two scenarios:

A) Urubu finishes the challenge --> people who bet on him win

B) Urubu doesn't finish the challenge (loss / too few hands / buyout / giving up) --> people who bet against him win

People who have made sidebets can make each other buyout offers (independent of urubu) but cannot be forced to dragged along with the bets made by other people

you are absolutely right. I just didn't think about the option of him buying out.

But I have to say I wouldn't feel treated fair in some scenarios.
For example urbubu is way ahead money and hand wise and let the people bet against him buy out for idk 1,5-1.
So urubu is making a good amount of money. The side betters on the other hand loose their bets because urubu didn't finish. I don't think that would be fair.

But I have to say again I didn't think about it before the bet, so it's prob our fault and we loose our bets.
05-10-2014 , 05:04 PM
i don t think buying out is a reasonable option right now at almost any future point of the bet. there are no rules for hold outs, so if anyone does not agree he will have to be paid in full i guess. negotiations will be difficult and take time and while they do the odds will change. so urubu will either finish and win or forfeit and lose. anything else will look extremely poor and shady now especially with all the side bets going on.
05-10-2014 , 05:11 PM
Because of the likelyness a buyout would happen I find it strange that this scenario was not discussed/stipulated while setting up this sidebet festival. Anyway, I have my popcorn ready in case things are getting out of hand.
05-10-2014 , 05:16 PM
entire thread is useless without giraffes


05-10-2014 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by rubenrtv
Just to be clear: for me sidebets are not affected by buy-outs.

So, two scenarios:

A) Urubu finishes the challenge --> people who bet on him win

B) Urubu doesn't finish the challenge (loss / too few hands / buyout / giving up) --> people who bet against him win

People who have made sidebets can make each other buyout offers (independent of urubu) but cannot be forced to dragged along with the bets made by other people
What about where bettors(the ones that bet directly against urubu) decides to make an offer to give him like 60% o the 60k. So he doesnt need to finish it anymore... So ppl like me(bet x krmont) would lose the bet?

Not sure if thats what u mean on B or u meant only if urubu buys out...
05-10-2014 , 05:24 PM
I think I need a prop betting coach. They seem like a profitable profession.
05-10-2014 , 05:25 PM
There is no doubt that urubu has come off pretty bad in this now IMO. Also the judges should be held accountable a bit I think cos it's all a bit of a cluster f**k now. The prop should have been carried out as normal,'urubu was to play 500k hands in 45days and show a profit. I think either he completes the hands or he loses the bet should have been the way. If he wanted to stop pre 500k hands he should have lost the bet, no buy outs.
05-10-2014 , 05:28 PM
I would like to see more hand posting and discussion on progress and his actual play and results compared to the amount of speculation about side bets and possible angle shooting.. He's playing right now kids! Vamoooo
05-10-2014 , 05:38 PM
It definitely seems very unlikely that a buy-out would occur. Consider how wildly far apart the stances were of urubu and those who bet against him in the last buy-out. Not to mention the logistical nightmare of getting all parties to agree in a time frame narrow enough that the line doesn't move.
