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Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Poker EV.. A couple of questions.

10-17-2009 , 12:39 AM
Hey guys.
I've been working on a bankroll challenge the last 2 months, and I've done pretty well, but as of late, I've taken an awful dive. I've played about 300 hours split into 3 main games types, PLO, NL, and MTT's. I've done well in MTT's and NL, and wasn't doing good or bad in PLO, until recently.

Basically I use 40 buys ins for NL
200 buy ins for MTT's
50 buy ins for PLO.

I started with 30, and I'm currently around 700, but I lost a ton the last 3 days playing PLO25.

Here is my Poker EV for PLO. I don't really know if Sklansky Bucks are something to be trusted or not, and I really need to know, so I can tell if I'm playing the game right, as it is definitely my worst game, but one I think to be the most profitable if played correctly.

Basically what I'm asking here is, how much of an effect does this statistic have on your overall winnings? And If it is player dependant (Something like losing to much money without a showdown) how do I check for leaks in that category?
(Also I've never hosted an image online before so I hope this works!)

So just let me know what you think. Also, is 32K hands a big enough sample size to expect these same results?
Also take note hat the first 15K or so hands were played at .01/.02 PLO when Full Tilt hand their "Biggest Bonus Ever", and I had just gotten approved for 16 tables. I went in never playing more than 8 at once, and jumping from 8 to 16 in a game that I'm not to experienced in turned out to be a bad idea.


Last edited by radicalyeah; 10-17-2009 at 12:46 AM.
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
10-17-2009 , 01:36 AM
Also, I would like to add something about non-showdown winnings. At micro stakes PLO, I assume non-showdown winnings will always be negative right? My question is, if so, how far in the negative? I looked at my non-showdown winnings, and it is really high (slight over 1100). It seems to me this should be significantly less.

If it should be less, does that mean I am folding to many hands postflop, betting to much with weak hands like 2 pair, or is it just to be expected from the blinds?

(Let it be known that this sample is usually from 8 tabling, so I usually don't have enough time to make a very marginal decision, I usually just fold overpairs or 2 pair OOP, and try to keep the pot small in position and see a cheap showdown.)

I'm pretty much a newbie to PLO, I have probably played a little less than 100K hands in my lifetime, and I still havn't really found a lot of my leaks.
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
10-17-2009 , 02:49 AM
ya, you can tell from the graph that your non showdown winnings must be horrible...unfortunately it is a hard problem to fix because it could be stemming from a lot of different things. Idk what else to tell you really, your a self described n00b so I'm sure you will get better. I wouldnt worry about it much at all, just keep playing and as you progress your non SD will improve a lot...
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
10-17-2009 , 03:21 AM
I appreciate the response. I figured as much.
I think it will be easier to fix than you say. I've played a lot of poker in my life. I have good results in MTT's and NLHE, but I just need to fix some fundamental problems in my PLO game.
I have a couple of questions for you, if you are willing to answer them.

First off, what sort of stats should I run? I usually run about 10-12% PF raise, 22-30% VPIP, and about 55% W%SD. I'd have to check in to %SD per flop seen, and 3 betting.

Secondly, I have some basic questions.
At low limits,
should I always reraise AAxx?
Should I always go in with AAxx PF?
What other hands should I three bet?
What hands should I reraise OOP?

I realize that all of these questions, and the ones to follow, are very player dependent. I not asking for the correct play every time, just a good starting ground.

Is it a good idea to c-bet every time HU in position?
How about into 2 players?
Also, against a typical micro donk, What hands should I shut down with if there is a call or raise? Something like top 2 on a dry board ya know.

Is it possible to get a W$ w/o SD stat in the micros, or is it a better idea to just wait for big hands?

I have some more questions, in fact many more, but I cant expect you to sit there and write a book. Just answer what you want.

I also think that this sample size isn't big enough to say anything. My W$ w/o SD was in fact terrible in the last 10K hands, and I realized this throughout the sessions, but I also just dont think I got into a lot of good spots, but that will only be told with time.

Thanks man
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
11-17-2009 , 03:23 AM
I have similar issues. I am a winning player but the fact is I believe that most players biggest leak at those stakes is being too lose with big bets. Occassionally you run into a player who is good and then you have to have your non-showdown winnings be high but against bad players who call too much you can't have high non-showdown winnings because you need to show a winning hand. Also I don't value bet the river enough so I showdown alot which also contributes.
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
11-17-2009 , 03:53 AM
i think u could drop to like 4 tabling plo, specially if u are playing short handed,
this way u can actually see whats going on and get more familiar with some common situations, i think this way u can prolly increase ur non-sd winnings and plug some leaks.
i wouldnt give pf stats too much of weight, they can be pretty much anything and u can still make money, yours is fine for sure.
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
11-17-2009 , 04:05 AM
should I always reraise AAxx? no, dont always pot it with rag aces pf, specially not from blinds when it seems to go multivay

Should I always go in with AAxx PF? yes if u can, problem is if u 3bet it u need someone to 4bet u for to get it in... better to raise first in and hope u get 3bet and u are the one to 4bet them, this way u can get 33%+ of your stack in pre which makes the flop shove easy(~100bb stacks, if u are deeper this doesnt apply)

What other hands should I three bet? hands with good connectivity and suits, rundowns, ds-kings... better to pretty much always have position when u 3bet.

What hands should I reraise OOP? if u mean 3betting pre oop, i think only really strong holdings like good aces, rundowns with suits... player dependant but this usually makes your hand pretty transparent so be careful.

hope this helps, gl
Poker EV.. A couple of questions. Quote
