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PLO50 preflop decision PLO50 preflop decision

02-10-2010 , 08:54 PM
dont know how to put hands form holdemmanager on here, so im going to jsut type it out, if someone knows how, plese tell me lol

PLO 6max .25-.50

SB 32.95
BB 36.35
UTG 6.00
me 44.75 (i didnt get chipped up from last hand, becuase i turned it off when i wasplaying limit holdem earlier.) i have JdQcJcQh

Button 50.45

UTG raises to 1.75
I 3bet to 6.00
Button Calls 6.00
BB raises to 26.00
UTG calls and is all in
Back to me...what do i do? should i go all in and get the button to fold or go all in with me after he flatted my 3bet, or should i fold, or call?
PLO50 preflop decision Quote
02-10-2010 , 11:04 PM
never ran an equity calc on this but I think it's an easy ship... maybe I gamble too much idk
PLO50 preflop decision Quote
02-10-2010 , 11:08 PM
i get you around 30% against 2 players, one AAxx, the other one with a 10% range excluding aces, 37% when btn folds his 10% range. ignoring the shortstack for simplicity. now figure out your pot odds and see if it's worth it

btw, pretty sure shipping is > calling here since you'd probably have to call any flop anyway but might end up folding on like A93r
PLO50 preflop decision Quote
